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Toilets/showers At Beccles


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About 4 or 5 years ago we were told that there was a plan in the pipeline to build a new block attached to the Yacht Station for boaters to use toilets and showers.

The old public toilet/shower block is well past its sell by date many of the fittings do not work and talking to a number of women many of them regard the facilities as being dirty, unhygienic and they would rather not use them.

What are your thoughts regarding the above facilities?




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10 years ago we used to keep a boat a Beccles and the toilet block was pretty bad then, I suspect it was the same building and internals as it was in the early seventies when we first started boating. We were there last august and if anything it was worse, the gents had an awful dank smell and two of the toilets were not working, swimbo wouldn't even go into the ladies. Beccles is a lovely town the marina itself is well maintained and the staff are very helpful. Until the toilet block has been demolished an rebuilt to a decent standard with proper ventilation we will give them a wide berth and use the on-board facilities.

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We regularly use the facilities at Beccles, at best they can be described as tired. This is no reflection on the dedication and hard work of the harbourmaster, who is nothing short of outstanding.

Broken fittings, cracked tiles, and an accumulation of neglected defects result in a facility which falls far sort of an acceptable standard. However, some people making use of the facilities do not help by abusing them. Last year they were in a terrible state with regard to litter, urine on the floor and faecal contamination  of the walls. Some people appear to have an inability to flush a toilet, or direct their bodily functions into the appropriate receptacle. 

Following many complaints, a local councillor visited the facilities and claimed that they were going to be refurbished. I take it that this refurbishment has yet to take place? It is probably too late to have any work done this year, no doubt we will have to wait another year for anything to be done.   

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57 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

I think that folk will find that both the Beccles Bogs and those at Oulton Broad have had a bit of a tart up. That is apart from Oulton Broad's sordid disabled toilet, apparently the contractors overlooked it, the silly billies!

Hello Peter,

I can remember the Oulton Broads facilities being upgraded about 3 years ago (no doubt it will be  longer than that).



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Are there still baths at Oulton Broad?

I have hired a power boat the last four years, since having children, but before that when I hired ' rag n sticks', a bath at Oulton was a much needed and appreciated highlight of the week! 

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5 minutes ago, Bexs said:

Are there still baths at Oulton Broad?

I have hired a power boat the last four years, since having children, but before that when I hired ' rag n sticks', a bath at Oulton was a much needed and appreciated highlight of the week! 

Hello Bexs,

There was still baths available the last time we were at the Yacht Station .



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1 hour ago, ranworthbreeze said:

Hello Bexs,

There was still baths available the last time we were at the Yacht Station .




 Thanks Alan, good to know. They are part of the charm and fun of it! 

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