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Bridge Closures

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Yes a strange topic for this area of the forum, but bear with me, it is in the right place.

Recently Somerleyton bridge has been unable to open, and then suddenly available again in a matter of hours sometimes. I know that Alan posts any notices received from the BA on the forum but I was wondering if it was a good idea, or even possible to have a panel somewhere on the home page, or even the last 7 days view, with a series of traffic lights against each of the main troublesome bridges. A quick glance at these would tell the user the current operational state of all the bridges. If further detail was required then the relevant Broads Authority notice could be referred to on the forum.

Just a thought, if its possible.

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Oh... Music to my ears ECIPA. Rather than the continual moans about the issue and whether boats are too big, a post trying to give suggestions as to what to do with the situation we have. The bridges are currently unreliable, and will be so for an unspecified time.

I have some questions.

1. Are there many/any hire craft that require the bridge to operate ?

2. if manned, can the bridge operate at the cooler times of the day and at night?

3. If heat is the culprit, how long do the rails take to contract?

With the answers to these questions perhaps we might be able to formulate a workaround to suggest to those affected.

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2 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

1. Are there many/any hire craft that require the bridge to operate ?

I would think there are, for Somerleyton Bridge. I just managed to get Monte Carlo under there with the canopy still up. Can't remember what the height showed, but the tide was ebbing, about 2 hours from low.

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I have an idea that it's around 8 feet at high tide. We've never had a problem even in winter. I guess the hire boats that could potentially have problems could be some of the very tall Faircraft Loynes types. I'm sure we've typically had 9 or 10 feet. St Olaves would be similar I would imagine, possibly even less. 

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Spot on idea ECIPA as long as the info is forthcoming from the bridges, it's an issue we can whinge about as long as we like but in reality it's not going to go away anytime soon so we may as well do what we can to live with the situation as best we can (I await the barrage of "but we shouldn't have to live with it").

I've just done myself a little spreadsheet of times when I think I can get under haven bridge for my next 2 week holiday as I don't expect I'll get any lifts and don't plan on being trapped on the rivers, but I'm lucky and can fold down to 9' when needed, just means I won't always be able to pick my tide as well.

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19 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

Oh... Music to my ears ECIPA. Rather than the continual moans about the issue and whether boats are too big, a post trying to give suggestions as to what to do with the situation we have. The bridges are currently unreliable, and will be so for an unspecified time.

I have some questions.

1. Are there many/any hire craft that require the bridge to operate ?

2. if manned, can the bridge operate at the cooler times of the day and at night?

3. If heat is the culprit, how long do the rails take to contract?

With the answers to these questions perhaps we might be able to formulate a workaround to suggest to those affected.

1. I would think there are hire boats that would struggle with the bridges at the wrong state of tide, however it is worth bearing the following in mind. The vast majority of hire craft are based on the North Broads. To get to the South they have to navigate the fixed Yarmouth Vauxhall bridge which is quoted at 6ft9in at AHW. Somerleyton is 8ft6in and Reedham 10ft. So if they have made it South the only bridges that could pose a greater problem are Beccles old road bridge at 6ft6in and the Thorpe rail bridges at 6ft. Off course there maybe the inconvenience of taking down masts, or windscreen and canopy etc. Additionally there are the Broom hire boats which tend to be higher and fixed roofs.

2. I believe the bridge is manned 24hrs a day even when it cannot swing. Somerleyton more than Reedham seems to be able to swing once it cools down a bit.

3. I'll leave that one to the scientists amongst us. :default_dunce:

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Yes a strange topic for this area of the forum, but bear with me, it is in the right place.
Recently Somerleyton bridge has been unable to open, and then suddenly available again in a matter of hours sometimes. I know that Alan posts any notices received from the BA on the forum but I was wondering if it was a good idea, or even possible to have a panel somewhere on the home page, or even the last 7 days view, with a series of traffic lights against each of the main troublesome bridges. A quick glance at these would tell the user the current operational state of all the bridges. If further detail was required then the relevant Broads Authority notice could be referred to on the forum.
Just a thought, if its possible.
You've got the Handy Info section in the menu at the top, that might be the place for it?

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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