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Norfolk & Suffolk Waterways User Views Sought


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I just saw a tweet from the Broads Authority

"Along with a number of partners, we’re looking into how people who use the broads, rivers and seas of Norfolk and Suffolk get the information for their activity or trip. Take part in the short survey and let us know your views:"

So I thought I would post the link to the survey here. ( I just completed it)



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For some reason, I took the trouble to fill this in.

As to how I use the waterways, I put "Living e.g.. houseboat" This was true, in my case, for 40 years, but is now pretty well banned by the BA. So how can it be a "category" in their survey?

The rest of the questions were very few and mostly irrelevant. It is also not Broads specific but refers also to the coast and other waterways. It seems to have been put together by a company called SurveyMonkey who finished with a window entitled "get answers to your questions".

I didn't ask any questions. I thought they did?  A complete and utter waste of time and other people's money.

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Vaughan, Survey Monkey is a platform for anyone to create a survey. It’s actually really good, but if surveys are badly constructed the garbage in, garbage out rule applies. 

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Vaughan, Survey Monkey is a platform for anyone to create a survey. It’s actually really good, but if surveys are badly constructed the garbage in, garbage out rule applies. 

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1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

My guess is that JP is seeking justification for going live on a BNP app.

"The Environment Agency, Norfolk Fire and Rescue, the Broads Authority, and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies are working together to run the survey so they can find out how people access information about the waterways to help them stay safe and make the most of their leisure time.

A spokesperson for the organisations said of the initiative,

“All of our organisations work with the public and receive feedback that a mobile app or web resource giving local information would be useful. We want to find out if there is a need for such an initiative. Before we start developing resources we’re searching for people who would like to be included in our research.”


Does it always have to be about John Packman???

Is it just possible it might be useful??

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1 minute ago, batrabill said:


"The Environment Agency, Norfolk Fire and Rescue, the Broads Authority, and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies are working together to run the survey so they can find out how people access information about the waterways to help them stay safe and make the most of their leisure time.

A spokesperson for the organisations said of the initiative,

“All of our organisations work with the public and receive feedback that a mobile app or web resource giving local information would be useful. We want to find out if there is a need for such an initiative. Before we start developing resources we’re searching for people who would like to be included in our research.”


Does it always have to be about John Packman???

Is it just possible it might be useful??

It would be useful, of that I have no doubt. As for ulterior motives, well, time will tell. JP doesn't generally miss an opportunity to promote his vision, let's just wait and see.

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6 hours ago, Ray said:

Interesting that an option of "live" bridge clearance data was given (unless I misread it)

If they can pull that off in an App I might even pay for it... and that would be a first!

I got excited about that, until I read that the 'App' would be available offline. Not sure how that would work.


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