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Today I am helping to collect for the RNLI at Bexleyheath Town centre.Part of Lifeboat week.I always enjoy helping out,the response from the public is very positive. 

As for the rest of the day we were going to have our boiler replaced. The plumber contacted Marina yesterday, to say he is going into hospital for he's back.This is the second time he's cancelled at the last minute. We have decided to now go elsewhere. Very sorry for him,but we need to get this done sooner rather than later. 

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Respect for the collection on behalf of the RNLI

Re the boiler thing - Know exactly where you are coming from.  We had boiler issues end of last year into the new year.  Plumber kept letting me down so in the end, lost patience and did it mysen.  Changed expansion tank and prv then had another plumber service it afterwards.  Never been a problem since. Was proper chuffed to get it sorted, now of course don't even think about it and take it for granted as we do


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We had a good morning, collecting for the RNLI even though it was cold.Marina met me and then we went to the garden centres, in and out of rain and hail.Just had two plumbers had a look at our old boiler and gave us a price.Much lower then had before.Another one coming on Tuesday. Hope to get it sorted soon.

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I’ve always been a very big supporter and financial giver of the RNLI all my life... I have big admiration praise for the guys and girls who go out every time who risk there own lives to save others...

It’s just a big shame the management don’t realise what great crews they have serving for them.... I’m not going into a slanging match on how the RNLI is run by there management and how a certain jersey lifeboat crew was treated... 

After a lot of hard work of the former jersey RNLI crew who left and decided to form there own independent lifeboat crew and  buy a vessel... They formed the JLA Jersey Lifeboat Association...  And there vessel Sir Max Aitken III was bought from Goodchilds Burgh castle... and sailed to jersey last year to be prep and ready to go into action after a lot red tape and testing they was ready to go...  And yesterday afternoon at 3.45pm  they had there very first call out to rescue a French sail boat with 4 persons which had engine problems... They was rescued and towed back... 

So it’s just not the RNLI there’s local independent lifeboats and SR groups all around the uk who need our support and I’m big supporter of them... 

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I pay a donation of £15 per month and have done so for about 15 years now to the RNLI. The Penlee lifeboat tragedy proves what risks and dangers those crews volunteer and willfully risk their lives for. I will ALWAYS support the RNLI, and feel privilaged to do so.

And to Ian (Chelsea14),  deepest respect and thanks for doing the collection.

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Whilst I would never dare question the fantastic work that the RNLI do, it is always worth remembering the independent lifeboats as well. Norfolk has many - Hemsby, Caister, Sea-palling and Mundesley are all independent. It’s also worth noting that it’s an independent lifeboat which attends most emergencies on the Broads.

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