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North Norfolk Coast, Facility Update.


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42 minutes ago, marshman said:

Well well Councils taking their responsibility seriously at last - don't tell me they will be opening all recycling centres soon!!

Don't build your hopes up too much.

Down here West Sussex County Council have recently opened most, but not all, of the recycling centres. They are only accepting household rubbish in black sacks and garden waste. Nothing else will be accepted at all.

We get weekly collections of.......household rubbish in black sacks.

We get bi-weekly collections of.......garden waste. This is a paid-for service to which I subcribe anyway.

They have now done us the dubious honour of allowing small vans........If you get a permit for it.

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It is just another excuse , like the buses, to cut services!! Around where I live I have spotted just how easy it is to cut services to "meet demand" or lack of it! Although I live fairly close to Norwich, lets pretend there is no demand and then we can cut the bus services - we used to get one every half an hour, then one an hour and inevitably one every hour and a half! The piece de resistance however is to change the route entirely but don't tell anyone so no one knows where its going and indeed reverse the route so buses to Norwich now go the other way  - I think!!! I can hear it now - its had to be cancelled because of lack of demand! I know lets spend that money on increasing attendance expenses and more cycle lanes in Norwich itself - your fault you voted Green!

The councils just take the p** the whole time! Fortunately Broadland are a little better in that they have not cut the garden bin service but how stupid can you get?  The garden bin service is just an obvious easy win in getting your recycling targets up but lets miss that, again, and spend what we have saved in upping expenses and pension contributions which all seem to passed on the nod!

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I got the impression when hearing the leader of NNDC on Look East and Radio Norfolk that her view was ' there's nothing here to spend money on, so b****r off, we don't want you (at the moment) .  It would seem that the Parish Councils may have a voice after all.

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3 hours ago, marshman said:

Well well Councils taking their responsibility seriously at last - don't tell me they will be opening all recycling centres soon!!

they are reopening in kent, but there are reduced hours and a booking system in place and its one car load a month, if you can get a booking slot

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