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Why Are There No-drive-through Mc D's On The Broads?


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4 hours ago, Paul said:

I can understand McDonalds, but why not Costa?

We have McDonalds occasionally mostly for the kids, not too often though, but I'm partial to my Costa

As much as I enjoy Costa I am swayed by an American friend's very apt description of the company, 'Costa-Lot', Starbucks being 'Mega-Bucks'. Considering the price comparison with Wetherspoons, and the fact that there is no duty on coffee but there is on beer, then Costa and co certainly know how to charge!

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Now Costa is something I know something about. It helped in the demise of Whitbread's pub business. Well that and dear old Maggie.

It was bought as a wholesale coffee business from Sergio and Bruno Costa in 1995. As a way of getting cheap coffee for their pub and Beefeater restaurants.

Then some bright spark who came and gave us a presentation, on the whole idea, said they were rebranding the coffee for use in the pubs with the Costa name.

Basically Maggies intervention, gave them the much needed capital to grow the brand. 

Finally sold to Coca Cola in 2019,

for a whopping £ 3.9bn and is now in 31 countries. That's where my job went to.

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9 hours ago, jeffbroadslover said:

Can't understand why anyone would want anything "fast" anywhere near the slow, rambling, very peaceful and relaxing Norfolk Broads


So when you moor up, you'll not be "making fast" and you'll want to enjoy sleepless nights to avoid being "fast asleep" I would normally agree that fast food is pretty undesirable, but without a fast, how can we have breakfast?

It's a funny old language isn't it. :-) 

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On 25/07/2020 at 07:13, Paul said:

As Capt. Mainwaring might say, I think you're heading in to the realms of fantasy now, although wait, hold on a minute. I can see it taking shape as I type. Ludham would be no good, Womack, that would be ideal. 

You have that nice straight section just before you get to Hunter's where windows one and two could be located. 'Window' one is actually an intercom machine of course into which you speak to place your order which is then confirmed by an operator at the other end whose voice is so distorted by the machine that in addition to the constant drone of your BMC 1.5 you'll have no idea whether you've just ordered a big mac and fries or put twenty quid on the nose of the favourite in the 4.15 at Kempton Park, but that all adds to the realism. 

Window 2 is where you pay, or more accurately where you correct your order and pay as you now realise that as little as you could understand the operator speaking to you on that intercom, he or she could likewise not hear a word you were saying. Below the window there is always a little perspex box for you to drop in your loose change for Ronnie Mc D's chosen charities, perhaps to make this more regionally appropriate we could use this loose change box to fund the Acle Debacle? 

Window three is where you collect your food, or at least what passes for it, and would be opposite window two on the other side of the dyke so you can cruise on around the island then back towards the main river collecting your assemblage of bags, boxes and cardboard cups as you pass. Perhaps we could employ a net system with a drawstring mechanism on the bottom so that the operator can swing this out over the river as you pass and release the string just when you least expect it upending a large latte directly into your lap and your double cheeseburger into the foot well, again maintaining the realism. This cruise around the island will allow sufficient time for some spotty faced youth to over cook your burger, sorry, In Mc D's speak "patty", add the gherkin you ordered to be omitted and for the lettuce to go limp, squash the whole thing down so it resembles something you thought you'd thrown away yesterday and of course, most importantly for the fries to go cold as warm fries would never do. 

You could then swing around in the main river and repeat the process when you realise they have completely forgotten the large banana milk shake you ordered and paid for, the toy in the kid's happy meal is exactly the same as the one they gave you yesterday and the four cartons of "tangy barbecue" dipping sauce you asked for to accompany your twenty McNuggets is actually tartar sauce because they have run out of barbecue and the person who packed your meal is not aware that Chicken and tartar sauce is about as good a match as a bath tub and a hair dryer. 

Finally we can install large litter bins on the corner of the main river at which people could aim their waste as they pass by, inevitably missing so that big mac boxes, fillet of fish wrappers and Mc Coke cups can percolate their way around the local area, carried by wind and tide to the four corners of broadland, after all there's nothing like free advertising. 

I think we're on to a winner. 

Window 4 .. The Blue Screen of Death, have you pressed reset?

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