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Diy On Moorings


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As I continue trying to build up some background knowledge on ownership, I find myself with another (possibly bone) question.

I very often scout through what's for sale with NYA, NBS, Waterside and the like, and very often find boats I like the look of, but have things that I'd want to change. My question is, how do marinas usually feel about you DIYing your boat on your mooring? I realise it's a very general question, but I can't imagine somewhere like Broads Edge being too thrilled with the noise of you refitting your galley right there on your mooring.

Sorry for what may be quite a daft question, but hey, got to start somewhere!

(I have thought about hardstanding too, seems like a good option, especially if one was to buy an un-tolled boat later in the toll period)

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Most marinas are fine about diy as long as it's not annoying others or covering everything else in crud, I do a lot of my jobs moored outside a pub as I don't have power at my home mooring, it's usually the ferryhouse and I aim to be at the far end for noisy/messy jobs, always ask the pub first though.

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11 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

Most marinas are fine about diy as long as it's not annoying others or covering everything else in crud, I do a lot of my jobs moored outside a pub as I don't have power at my home mooring, it's usually the ferryhouse and I aim to be at the far end for noisy/messy jobs, always ask the pub first though.

Cheers Smoggy, that's actually surprising to hear. Encouraging too, as I'd always said that any boat I buy will be a project. I don't see the point in buying something finished when the likelihood is there'll be something I want to change still. I'd rather buy something that's serviceable but is a little ratty and refit as and when I have chance!

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Some yards are very DIY friendly, some, I suspect, are not but most will be somewhere in between as long as you're not bothering anyone-we've never had an issue at the various yards moored at over the years.

If you want hard standing to do a project I can recommend Wayford Marine, good value(IMO) and a good blend of working Boatyard(so you can make some noise and mess) but not too scruffy with it. You can also rent space inside their DIY shed if needed.

I think Martham are another DIY friendly place but I don't have personal experience of them.

Anyhoo, hope that helps builds the picture a bit.


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2 minutes ago, WherryNice said:

Some yards are very DIY friendly, some, I suspect, are not but most will be somewhere in between as long as you're not bothering anyone-we've never had an issue at the various yards moored at over the years.

If you want hard standing to do a project I can recommend Wayford Marine, good value(IMO) and a good blend of working Boatyard(so you can make some noise and mess) but not too scruffy with it. You can also rent space inside their DIY shed if needed.

I think Martham are another DIY friendly place but I don't have personal experience of them.

Anyhoo, hope that helps builds the picture a bit.


Any info is helpful! Funnily enough, Wayford Marine are one I've scribbled details down for (not sure why...I'm nowhere close to buying yet!) but the fact they do 6 monthly packages on hard standing and moorings is very helpful. Plus I'd already decided that my first choice of moorings would be top of the Ant, either at Wayford or Stalham. Both Broads Edge and Broads Marina at Wayford are very reasonably priced compared to the ridiculous amounts wanted by Horning Ferry, WRC and a few others!

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We've been at Broadsedge for 10 years now and there seems to always be someone doing some fettling somewhere. Trouble is, workmates and powertools seem to be people magnets "Allo mate, what's going on today?" So on goes the kettle and that's another half hour gone. 

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19 minutes ago, stumpy said:

We've been at Broadsedge for 10 years now and there seems to always be someone doing some fettling somewhere. Trouble is, workmates and powertools seem to be people magnets "Allo mate, what's going on today?" So on goes the kettle and that's another half hour gone. 

I was based at an RAF station near Bedford for a few years, during which time I was the workshop manager for the motor club. I simple oil change could take 3 hours by the time you've finished chatting to everyone!

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The Wetshed at Richo's is most definitely DIY friendly.  Some berth holders have completed full in-water restorations in there over the years, there is some going on now or was till Covid stopped all of us.  Each berth has its own elec supply, storage facilities and fw on tap, overhead elec lighting too.  Of course being out of the cold / rain / blazing sunshine is a bonus when diying, not to mention it does keep the annual maintenance down somewhat


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DIY at the mooring is exactly what I do and it works very well. I was also very lucky that it all fell into place by accident!

The agreement at Brundall Gardens is that DIY at the mooring is OK unless you're going to make exsessive noise or mess, in which case you have notify them and they find you a temporary berth around by the workshop. At least that was my agreement but of course it's always best to try and work out exactly what you will be wanting to do and checking with the marina first.

That said, I would be very peed off if I went over to sit and relax on my boat, and the bloke on the next mooring started drilling all day, so I keep it to reasonable hours and never make a noise if there are people on the boat immediately next to mine. Although last time I was over there (I can just about remember it!) the moorings either side of me were empty, I wonder why? And don't get me started about pressure washers! :default_icon_twisted:

Extra care is needed when cutting wood as the sawdust can blow around accross the water and give you away. I wait for still air and always have the vacuum cleaner handy. And of course oil spills will get you keel hauled.

As others have said, you'll hardly get anything done due to the locals but I found that a good opportunity to ask them how they feel about it and clear the air. In fact my closest neighbour always offers to help! 

I spent a couple of years looking for a boat during which time I came accross a yard on the Broads which seemed to have a lot of project boats with hard standing where you could do the restoration. Can't for the life of remember where it was though, although I've a feeling someone will be along in a minute or two and tell us....

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41 minutes ago, floydraser said:


I spent a couple of years looking for a boat during which time I came accross a yard on the Broads which seemed to have a lot of project boats with hard standing where you could do the restoration. Can't for the life of remember where it was though, although I've a feeling someone will be along in a minute or two and tell us....

That was probably Wayford Bridge but last time we went past there'd been huge tidy up after the yard changed hands. 

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45 minutes ago, floydraser said:

spent a couple of years looking for a boat during which time I came accross a yard on the Broads which seemed to have a lot of project boats with hard standing where you could do the restoration. Can't for the life of remember where it was though, although I've a feeling someone will be along in a minute or two and tell us....

That sounds like Wayford Marine, until a few years ago it was jam packed with project boats....

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1 hour ago, floydraser said:

That said, I would be very peed off if I went over to sit and relax on my boat, and the bloke on the next mooring started drilling all day, so I keep it to reasonable hours and never make a noise if there are people on the boat immediately next to mine.

This is my thinking, I'd be rather irritated too. Most of the boats I've found that would be suitable for me all need the galley redoing, which could mean a fair amount of cutting and power tooling!

27 minutes ago, stumpy said:

That was probably Wayford Bridge but last time we went past there'd been huge tidy up after the yard changed hands. 


26 minutes ago, WherryNice said:

That sounds like Wayford Marine, until a few years ago it was jam packed with project boats....

The still offer hard standing, but make no mention of whether it's just for storage or for projects.

@BroadAmbitiona wetshed berth at Ricko's would be fantastic, although I suspect it would be prohibitively expensive for me!

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1 hour ago, floydraser said:

That said, I would be very peed off if I went over to sit and relax on my boat, and the bloke on the next mooring started drilling all day,

There is a very easy solution for that one, take the boat out and relax on the river like they are made for, in a marina I expect to hear the sound of boat maintenance, it's part of boating.

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27 minutes ago, MaceSwinger said:

The still offer hard standing, but make no mention of whether it's just for storage or for projects.

It's deffo for projects(says DIY-ers welcome)and there are some fairly large ones on-going at the moment. I re-gelled my hull on the hard standing last year, among other works, and there were various other ones going on around me.

Also it's a working boatyard(Moonfleet is based there- not a hire fleet anymore just repairs/maintainence etc)so there is always noise and activity going on.


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