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Thief Caught And Sentenced For Boat Thefts On The Broads.

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no prosecutions can happen if they dont have witnesses, whether it be for thefts, or just speeding boats, if you dont step forward willing to be the witness and stand up in court, they often cannot proceed with a prosecution, even then you will only be called for if the person tries to plead not guilty.

lynch mobs are never the answer, because in that case the police can much easier locate you than they generally can the criminal, so they will soon be knocking on your door.

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Just to get this thread back on course , it should be known that this thief  cut ropes towed, stripped and left 2 boats to drift on the River Yare and broke into more than 4 others vandalising and stealing ......

Whilst he was on remand he bought another boat undoubtedly with the proceeds of his crimes and continued to have use of the Broads for " His own means ".

In my opinion the sentence is very poor ..... one boat owner sold his boat and will not return such was the devastation they felt.

It narks me that he got such a light sentence and can continue using and enjoying the Broads when others had to give up this pleasure because of his actions .

You all know his name but I think it is fair that we should all know what boat to look out for .......

I have seen him on this boat recently.

....we all have a right to protect whats ours from scumbags like this , and forewarned is forearmed



(photo removed as it was copyright and only showed a similar boat, not the one in question- mods team)


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Yes Griiff , your not wrong there ....thats why I think people need to be aware of who he is , what boat he has and where he launches it , as I dont think his Fine / Sentence was any where near a deterrent..... .....    He has done it before , he did it again and who knows what he will do next but as I said forewarned is Forearmed .....

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Somehow need to try and commit his face and boat to memory so to be aware if he is in the vicinity.

If he had been given a sentence that matched his crimes and made an example of then maybe, just maybe it would have deterred him being a repeat offender for the third time


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Reg No            Boat Name                                   Make                                2020-21 toll 

586M              BLUEBELLE                                 DIJON                                Unpaid





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26 minutes ago, grendel said:

we have removed the photograph as it only shows a similar boat, and the image is copyright to craigs site.

thanks polly for spotting that one

Craig's images may be used, provided the Creative Commons Licence is adhered to. This permission is to be found at the foot of each page on his site:

"Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike unless otherwise noted."

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the photo concerned also contained the image of a person not associated with the crimes involved, thus the decision was made to remove the image, the combination of not the exact boat and the addition of the person not connected to the crimes involved made it unwise to retain the image, but we should not need to explain that to a legal expert such as yourself.

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35 minutes ago, grendel said:

the photo concerned also contained the image of a person not associated with the crimes involved, thus the decision was made to remove the image, the combination of not the exact boat and the addition of the person not connected to the crimes involved made it unwise to retain the image, but we should not need to explain that to a legal expert such as yourself.

You're right, you didn't need to explain that, but I referred only to the matter of the copyright, which was part of the reason you gave for removing the image.

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