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I’ll add some of the text that goes with the chart. 
**Members were less enamoured by the Broads, the meandering waterways straddling Suffolk and Norfolk. It mustered just two stars for peace and quiet. Members warned to avoid it in summer, when visitors flock to explore the ‘Venice of the East’ by boat. We had many complaints of excess traffic and lack of parking. Even the scenery divided opinion; some enthused about big skies and colourful flora, others called it ‘flat, muddy and boring’. **

(It sounds to me as if those who responded visited by car, therefore missing the true pleasures of being on the water for a few days and discovering the peace and quiet that definitely can be found. Plus, anywhere you go gets muddy when it rains!!)

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Also listing wildlife , and not listing bird life as a separate category favours the other contenders , I also wonder where the participants to the survey visited , no doubt it would have included such sites as Wroxham and Norwich as opposed to the tranquil areas such as Barton broad and Hickling to name just two .

As usual a totally pointless and weighted survey common to such publications .


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So the Broads is not a favourite, but people flock there in the summer - must be someone's favourite then.

Low score for peace and quiet but high score for wildlife spotting? Maybe someone should tell those rare snails to keep the chuffing noise down! :default_coat:

From Which? Would that be the views of subscribers only then?

Interesting although of very limited value; I'm trying to think of all the attractions in Northumberland. Beamish, Hartlepool heritage centre.....

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It cannot be denied that the Broads from early July last year, was rammed with people. If you thought you were coming to a tranquil corner of England, with time to meander alone down a deserted river, you would have been very disillusioned.  The fight to get a mooring each evening alone, must have put many people off. We are all the "converted" on here, and as such it's easy to dismiss such surveys. But it's also true that a large proportion of people visit the Broads and having worn the t-shirt, don't return for many years, if ever. A holiday on the Norfolk Broads, is not for everyone. 

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