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Happy New Year


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1 hour ago, Andrewcook said:

Happy New Year to all the Norfolk Broads Forum Members.and not forgetting the Ones that are not here to Celebrate the New Year with us any more but Memory's will live on in our Hearts and Mind. 

Lovely Sentiment Andrew.

I would also like to take this opportunity to say. A Very Happy New Year and a very happy, safe and when possible, indulgent time on the Broads in whichever mode you enjoy in 2022.

To all the ones that we have lost in the past 12 months, my thought are with them.

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It's here and has duly arrived.

So Happy New Year to one and all.

We are having a family two n a half hour walkabout this forenoon.  About twenty of us including four dogs.  Our Purdey dog is fraying round the edges, she has had three field days this last week, the last two on the bounce Thursday / Friday and now faces a trek today - I've not told her yet :default_norty:


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Healthy and happy new year to all, surely a better year on many fronts is overdue, especially to anyone involved in keeping the country running on a day to day basis  - NHS staff at the top of my list. 
I was treated to a most wonderful firework display over Womack Water at midnight - watched from a snuggly warm bed!

Griff - incredible how much work takes out of the dogs. Finlay spent the whole day in his bed after his first days beating, only tottering out for a wee. He’s getting used to it now but I’m having to feed him a lot more. 

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May I also say (type!) A Happy New Year to one and all on the forum and elsewhere.  (I couldn't see the keyboard last night - don't ask :default_laugh:) to type anything so thought it better to wait until my eyeballs were synchronised again :default_biggrin:

May this year be a great one for boating, fishing and anything else Broads related!


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