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Charm In Winter


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The Norfolk Broads in the winter months can be quite magical, totally different to the crowded waterways and the dodgem car mentality of high summer mainly attributed to the northern Broads, The winter months mean having your heating on day and evening, hot water bottle or live bed warmer at night And with short days you need to think of entertainment for later in the day personally I admit watching the telly while savouring a bottle of wine and cooking my evening meal, and then off to bed with a hot water bottle no I haven't got one of those other things LOL

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Right from when my husband introduced me to boat ownership over 30 years ago I always  said how magical the river must look during winter and always fancied seeing it for myself.  Picturing in my mind's eye banks and fields covered by frost or a fine coating of snow and thinking just how beautiful that would look. Tony was not so keen being a bit of a hot house plant, he doesn't "do" cold, We  have spent the odd New Years Eve on board but the weather has always been fairly mild so not magical frosty scenes. What deters both of us now from winter boating is the risk of having to get off the boat on to icy pontoons and coming  in to moor safely. I think I'll just have to settle for the graphic accounts posted by all you more intrepid people on the forum, so keep them coming please.




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It's interesting how different it feels to live here out of season. During the lockdowns we looked forward to seeing the boats back out and around, for people to be able to enjoy their holidays. Then when summer came and more freedom with it by then, it was interesting to see how you could spot the holidaymakers in Roy's department store on a Saturday, possibly waiting for their boat to be ready. 

Now we're in those quieter months, and the boats are mostly lined up in the yards. I still find it so fascinating to see them all backing onto the car park at NBD if I walk past. 

Rather than pasting in my recent winter video, it's almost February so how about this look back to last year. No music overlaid, just the sound of the birds.


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