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According to those them there table things, sunset today is at 15.37.

By Saturday its 15.38 - sounds like good news amongst the snow and ice!

Unfortunately 'cos the world is on a bit of a huh, it doesn't help the morning thing, and its not until around the 5th of January that it starts to improve in the morning with sunrise begins to get earlier - just! Until then you will just have to put up with a little longer in bed if you tend to wait for sunrise to get up!

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15 minutes ago, Lulu said:

My favourite shop along with Bridgestones. Cake!!!!!!!!!

Why is it when on the Broads, there’s this irresistible urge for cake and other goodies?

I should have gone to Bridgestones the other day, but bought an enticing looking goodie in Lathams instead. The girl sold it to me when, on asking what it was cos it looked so yummy, she said ‘London cheesecake’. I’d never heard of that and she told me it had layers of jam and coconut, so I thought a gooey cheesecake with jam and coconut would be just the job. 
j was very disappointed. It was as dry as a bone, just layers of puff pastry, with a scrape of jam and some dessicated coconut. Needed some moisture in it somewhere. 

Nogs, you are very intrepid being on the rivers with the ice etc. well done you for planning well. Enjoy ‘the south’. 

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