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Covering The North Broads In Velvet


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48 minutes ago, SwanR said:

I’ve not moored down Womack Dyke for a long time but always enjoyed it. 

It's a long time since I've moored here for the night (mainly because I'm usually tempted by The Lion!). It's nice though because it has a wild feel but it's also an easy walk to the village.

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Final full day aboard today. It was windier and chillier than I expected first thing- anyone would think it was October. I took Suzie up the road to the Staithe. The stand-out house on that road has to be "Little Holland", it seems to belong in a different world. We were soon unhooking and on our way. I pootled around to the island and up to the Staithe, not to stop there but just for the scenery. First destination today was St Benets. Is the "Livestock - Digs must be on a lead" sign new there? I have happy memories of our late dog Rollie running with freedom there but Suzie had to be content with zipping about on her long lead (and there wasn't a cow or a sheep in sight). We moved on layer, destination unknown until I spotted a tempting-looking wild mooring on the left as we approached Horning. I didn't even need rhond anchors as there was a choice of trees. A short time later, Broad Ambition passed, Wroxham-bound and we exchanged waves. It was warmer and sunny by this time and final destination tonight was Barnes marina. En-route I turned into Wroxham Broad and mudweighted for a short time, just enjoying the peace and the view. As we arrived at Barnes, BA was there and trial runs were in progress for lads week whilst I had a good chat with Grendel. Later, I took Suzie with me to the Hotel Wroxham for a drink. Eating is still undecided so to be continued...

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Straightforward boat handover this morning. Being moored on the pontoons away from the fuel pumps I thought the boat would need moving before my departure. However when I checked in reception their preference was to leave it where it was and they'd work out a fuel refund later. That suited me fine because my car was unmoved from last Saturday not far from the boat. We were packed up and on our way by 9 and it was a straightforward journey home.

I couldn't have wished for anything to have gone differently this week, I had a fabulous time. As I've said to my family, I'd always rather go boating with someone I care about than go solo but I'd much rather go solo than not go at all. That makes it sound like I'm not happy on my own whereas I completely am and when I'm boating I am myself more than when I'm doing anything else. I really felt that this week.

Next trip for me is late March 2024 when I'll be trying out Brinks Encore Plus. 

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