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Uncle Mikes Friday Quiz 2024


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Here we are then ... Wednesday already so high time I posted the topics for this Friday's quiz. The general knowledge questions have been popular but it's nice to have themed rounds as well. So I'm combining the two this week.

First half will be three rounds:

  1. In the 20th Century
  2. Bingo and Other Numbers
  3. Where in the World am I?


Second half will be Alphabetical General Knowledge.

If we can gather in the chat room around 8.30pm I will be starting the quiz promptly at 8.40. I do like to be finished by bedtime. :default_rofl:

If you've not joined the Friday Friends before why not come along and see what it's all about. Everyone is welcome. Just go to https://www.nbnchat.com/chat, enter a username and leave the password blank.

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Another fun evening in the quiz.I always enjoy the challenge of putting the questions together. Biker points aplenty ... because as QM they were at my discretion. :default_rofl:

It was close run with Nik on 12 and Steve on 13. 

Arthur was the winner with 15 points. :default_trophy:

Well done Arthur and thank you to everyone who played. 

Have a lovely weekend.

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Thanks for an excellent quiz Jean.

Some people, including myself, were having issues with a delay before their answer appeared on the screen.

Have looked into the issue this morning and I think I have solved the problem.

Testing now my posts appear instantly so I hope there will be no problems next friday

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Not had much time this week but I have nearly completed the questions for this evenings quiz.

The questions will all be general knowledge with a break at half time for drinks etc.

Start at around 8.40 in the Chat Room

All are welcome to take part.



Enter a user name but leave the password blank



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Another entertaining evening with our usual bunch of Friday friends.

Niko was third on 7 points,    Tigerhawk and bikertov tied in second place on 8

The clear winner was Bern on 11 Points.

Bern will be in the chair next Friday.

Thanks to all who took part.


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I have decided to follow Arthur's example from a few weeks ago and have topics in the first half and all General Knowledge in the second half.

1. British History

2. British Bridges

3. British Counties

Break for whatever you so wish :default_beerchug:

Second Half,

20 General Knowledge questions.

All welcome in the chat room https://www.nbnchat.com/chat

Enter user name but leave password blank

Hope to see you all there on Friday about 8.30 ish


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Thank you to those that took part in tonight's quiz.

Polly was third on 15 points

Tigerhawk was second on 16 points

and the winner and your host for next week was Arthur with 22 points.

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Apologies for the delay in posting this weeks quiz format.

Tomorrow night's quiz will consist of two rounds of twenty general knowledge questions with a break after the first 20 for refreshments.

all welcome in the chat room https://www.nbnchat.com/chat

enter user name but leave password blank

Hope to see you all there on Friday about 8.30ish.


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I am wondering how other regulars would feel about gathering maybe 8.20 onwards to start closer to 8.30? It’s lovely for everyone to have time to chat first but I know I find it hard to concentrate with some of the later finishes. But I also don’t want to rock the boat of the way the quiz has run for years. 

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Makes no difference to me SwanR, I'm usually late anyway!

I might flip devices and username but will make it tomo.

Apology I wasn’t able to tune in last week, was driving up to Lancashire bluebird inn for a wedding at brockholes, almost felt at home…


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I think your suggestion has some merit Jean.

Friday evening I am always very tired and must admit to struggling a bit when the quiz finishes after 10 pm.

Should be there tomorrow night though .

No doubt Bern will be challenging us with some interesting questions.


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Thanks for all the answers to my question. Maybe we can float it past a few others this evening, see whether there’s a consensus of opinion amongst the long standing players. 

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I believe when I strated attending we started a lot closer to 8.30 , but the start time has drifted back by 15 minutes over the years I have been doing the quiz. often while we wait to see if we get enough participants to make it worthwhile.

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Most days I like to be offline by about 9-9.15pm latest. Anything past that is not good for winding down at the end of the day. I do struggle if we finish late. Like I said, I don’t want to rock the boat, just thought I would ask. 

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I apologise for not posting the results of Friday night's quiz earlier, the truth is I forgot.

Anyway in joint third place on 8 were Grendel and Bikertov, in joint second place on 9 points were TurnOar and Jean and the winner with a massive 23 points was Arthur who will host next weeks offering.

Thanks to those who took part, 

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