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Birds.......in my front garden today...warning scenes of predation.

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  • 2 months later...

We must not lose sight of the fact that this is nature at work and is all part of the food chain of the raptors. No doubt that the farming community would be quite happy that another pidgeon has met its end and provided a meal for the sparrowhawk. I am happy too as wood pidgeons visit my garden and steal all the food I put out for my sparrows.


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We must not lose sight of the fact that this is nature at work and is all part of the food chain of the raptors. 


Quite true Bobby.


We had a much sadder experience with garden birds today.


I took this photo of a juvenile Cuckoo on my shed roof yesterday, and today the poor thing flew at the conservatory window and broke its neck.


Such a shame, it's only the second one I've ever seen in my whole life.  :(


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Well that's amazing, I buried the poor dead cuckoo yesterday, and this morning there was another one sitting on my garden fence post.!


So that's only the third one I've seen in over 60 years...


I'm pretty sure it's a cuckoo anyway. Although the colour and size is similar to a Sparrow Hawk, the beak shape is quite different.


Open to suggestions though....  :) 


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