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Last day afloat this year

Hockham Admiral

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Up early and off to Brundall by 09.30.

Absolutely gorgeous morning and boat's bits and pieces in the car by10.45.

Now down to Broomes for final pump-out and top-up with diesel. Then Mike (a local friend) and I slowly meandered up to the Ferry House.

By now it's 11.30 and we were soon into a pint of Little Sharpie! Next to be followed by a Bacon Baguette, four thick slices of back bacon....

Sonia tells me that she's open 7 days a week, 11am until close, food 12 until 9pm throughout the winter. And a big bonfire do including fireworks next weekend. Ring for details.

The quey headings should ALL be finished over the winter.

All very good news for us!

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Hi Stephen,


That sounds like a plan and is better than breaking the ice for a Christmas dip, best of luck with that by the way.


As for me I will be chained to kitchen on Christmas Day, its the only way to get decent meal, Tan does the washing up so its fair.


John its a bit early to be finishing for the season, Ranworth Breeze will be out until the second week in December and a number of the other syndicate boats only stop for about four weeks in order to have their Winter Service.




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Hi John, we too are on the boat in Beccles, that is me and Geoff, the brother in law.

Had a good clean up this morning with an oil and filter change.

the weather was glorious at 11.00 so it was off for a cruise to Oulton Broad.

A bottle of red wine later we arrived about 13.30 so off to Broadsview for a cheese board and a couple of pints of exellent Ghost ship.

Now back in Beccles after tea in the Kings head with another couple of pints.

Having a G&T before an early night now.

Off for a drive to Wroxham tomorrow to look at a mates new (to him) boat.

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Sounds like an absoluteley perfect day Paul-particularly the cheeseboard and Ghost Ship in Broadview-we spent four days at Oulton Broad last week sharing our time between Broadview,The Commodore, & The Waveney before we headed back to Sutton for our last trip of this year.Had planned to come home on Monday, but the Storm put our departure back 24hours,which was no bad thing.Have a good winter & hope to catch up with you in the Spring



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Last day! Try December John, its brill. The Little Sharpie and bacon rolls sound very tempting, will hopefully be checking them out soon........ :smile:


We are normally about from Nov to March throughout the winter, Howard . However with this impending move we just can't make any time and Friday Girl has never had a good few month's dry-out in her life! cheersbar

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