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The worst design ever!


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That so reminds me of our first mooring attempts, we too fell out a couple of times, our first stern on mooring at Ranworth Staithe still brings me out in a cold sweat it took at least five or six trys with every one watching, we left it for at least an hour before we went to the pub for lunch as I was doing my thing of hiding in the cabin lol


Sorry to go off topic



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Just got over a bout of computer problems, good ole Malewarebytes.


"Sleeping with boats Keith?, is there something you want to tell us................or rather DON`T want to tell us?. :naughty: :naughty:"


Hi Speedtriple, no I'm not that sort of girl, and anyway they are too wooden for me or their looks are too plasticky. :P


"Keith, be warned,... Hull hath no fury like a woman scorned,"


Oh Johnny!! You are a one, and some tongue for you as well. :P


"Keith is more than likely still recovering from watching England attempting to win The Ashes on Oz, or its sunstroke! :naughty:  :naughty: He probably still dreams that it was a nightmare and England actualy won?"


Hi Iain, I cannot say England even attempted to win, they were totally trashed.  The worst of it all I think, is that the Aussies felt sorry for the Poms, embarrasing or what!  Warwickshire have a fellow countryman of yours who is now head coach and was a very fine cricketer - Dougie Brown.


Yes Barry, I agree with John, I think you have won first prize that is one ugly boat. :)



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No matter how ugly the boat is at the time and even now it is a means to be on the water.

The bonus is if you are on board you are not looking at the boat and if you get to many heads shaking in your direction you can always retreat indoors.


You might even find Grace hiding away :naughty:




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"Hi Iain, I cannot say England even attempted to win, they were totally trashed.  The worst of it all I think, is that the Aussies felt sorry for the Poms, embarrasing or what!  Warwickshire have a fellow countryman of yours who is now head coach and was a very fine cricketer - Dougie Brown."                                                                                   Keith, DB played for the smallest county in Scotland, Clackmannanshire, funny enough, I think I only played one friendly against them, as in my day there were three main leagues. Western Union, I played in, East League and the Counties. He was a very good county player, and I think played for both England and Scotland. Me, I support Lancashire CCC, my late uncle was a member, so I came down for some Test Matches there. Also, Jackie Bond, Peter Lever and Jack Simmons use to come to our captains dinner in September, as top table guest speekers. Ah happy days....hic! :naughty: 


cheers Iain.

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That so reminds me of our first mooring attempts, we too fell out a couple of times, our first stern on mooring at Ranworth Staithe still brings me out in a cold sweat it took at least five or six trys with every one watching, we left it for at least an hour before we went to the pub for lunch as I was doing my thing of hiding in the cabin lol


Hi Grace,


You have my sympathy, we've also, perhaps not fallen out, close though. Lisa to me, "you're going too fast."  Meanwhile I've got a medium sized terrier barking in my face whilst scrabbling around on my lap; obviously we now shut her up in the bow bedroom.  I am very far from an expert helm and do get rather nervous at times and I have stayed inside for a bit if I feel I have messed up and it seems at times the more people watching the worse I get.  Silly really!


Hi Alan, fair point.



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Hi Grace,


You have my sympathy, we've also, perhaps not fallen out, close though. Lisa to me, "you're going too fast."  Meanwhile I've got a medium sized terrier barking in my face whilst scrabbling around on my lap; obviously we now shut her up in the bow bedroom.  I am very far from an expert helm and do get rather nervous at times and I have stayed inside for a bit if I feel I have messed up and it seems at times the more people watching the worse I get.  Silly really!


Hi Alan, fair point.



We all feel like that at times.


But, the spirit of the broads generally means theres someone around to assist.


Having 'got the T shirt' I always ask if hirers require assistance if I am nearby at moorings.



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