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Too much flow, can't keep up

MBA Marine

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The influx of new members has certainly increased the number of postings, to the point that there is that much new content added by the time i come home each day that I no-longer keep up. I guess its good for the forum that its buzzing with activity but I think I shall have a rest from  it for a while (hooray I hear one or two shout!).


I'll be back!

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My work is trains trains trains, so I check in daily to read about boats boats boats. And for me more activity means longer spent on here which means I don't have to watch tv soaps with the wife!


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My work is trains trains trains, so I check in daily to read about boats boats boats. And for me more activity means longer spent on here which means I don't have to watch tv soaps with the wife!


Hi Jim...my work is all trains trains and more trains....and lots of tea drinking and paper reading when the trainee is driving !!!!

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My work is trains trains trains, so I check in daily to read about boats boats boats. And for me more activity means longer spent on here which means I don't have to watch tv soaps with the wife!


I too work on trains, might have to start a new area just for us. Although I can read the forum at work I cannot post until li get home. Still makes a change from soaps !!!


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