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Now I saw this and couldn't resist the bait...


Superyacht Azzam http://goo.gl/iHOf6a  apparently features include bullet proof master suite and missile defence system, handy for those thrutching incidents & getting through the jam at Ludham Bridge. Wait for it....



Now presumed to be built for Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan .....wait for it....would this make it a Djinn Palace? :naughty: 

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I sometimes despair of the ignorance and stupidity of the membership of this forum!

Of course this boat is equipped with  a microwave cooker and bow thrusters. The hair straighteners and driers are taken as read and the Wifi... well of course, you shouldn't have needed to ask.

The other obvious commodity on board this luxury vessel is a dedicated engine starting battery and three leisure batteries... all four totally naff and incapable of holding a charge

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Of course if the Broads does become a N.P. hair dryers and all those other namby pamby appliances will be banned although hair shirts and dungarees will become de rigueur. :naughty:  :naughty:  :naughty:


Dave :grin:  ;)


Dave, you have guessed right on my general views but what's wrong with dungarees? If you want to talk about attire I have similar prejudiced views against blazers, smart slacks, ties, deck shoes, tracksuit bottoms, those shorts / trousers that stop at mid calf, 'captain' hats and onesies.

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Dave, you have guessed right on my general views but what's wrong with dungarees? If you want to talk about attire I have similar prejudiced views against blazers, smart slacks, ties, deck shoes, tracksuit bottoms, those shorts / trousers that stop at mid calf, 'captain' hats and onesies.

Dungarees...only one person who was not a slim athletic blonde female could get away with wearing them!



As for blazers, captains hats and jogging pants...good God man...that's the whole of Uncle Albert's wardrobe condemned!



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