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Crew mutiny....


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Well time is ticking for the MostlyAfloat trip to the Southern Broads on the 5th of sept with silver elegance which I am now getting all excited about, one of the press ganged crew however has been making making waves re personal grooming aboard the good ship silver elegance, viz ghd hair straighteners... Ye gods... 'Does it have proper toilets' I can understand, 'does it have a TV' I can understand... GHD straighteners?

What sort of crew member worries about how straight her hair is.. 'I'll buy you a nice wooly hat' I suggested, for some reason that went as flat as one of my soufflés - so the question is... Does the boat rely on shore power for all the 240v equipment or is there an inverter as well?

And a ps.... As it's been a many few years since I was afloat and knowing how technology races by, have the fridges got any better? I.e in cooling capabilities and size? I have a few beers that need a holiday as well... cheersbar



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Not sure about your chosen craft but what I do know is that GHD's will work on an inverter providing the inverter meets two specific requirements.  It must be a PURE signwave as GHD;'s will only work on this type and of course even if the inverter is of the pure signwave variety it must be man enough to provide the wattage that the GHD's need to operate

Hope this helps


Edit - Fridges imho have got better / larger and more efficient but again what size of fridge your boat has fitted - I know not




Edited by BroadAmbition
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Electric Fridge is much better than the gas if a tad sore on the battery. Straightners, come on shes on HOLIDAY! Sorry never used.:naughty: Silverline 240v system is inverter but we had a proper hoover supplied on board Silver Harmony which we used when on the move. 

I would contact the boatyard to get an answer to your question.


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Hi Ray

Silver Elegance has a hair drier in each cabin (not that we needed them) but not sraighteners.

it has an inverter and Colin took great delight in explaining that you can use straighteners and the like.

The microwave, kettle and toaster can all be used without running the engine and we had no problems with power.

there is also a constant supply of hot water which is great for morning showers.

the socket in the saloon is premanently live but the cabin ones are only live with shore power.

Colin is very proud (and rightly so) of this boat.... You will love it but please look after har as we have booked again for next April.:party:

ps. 3 electric toilets and full size shower in rear cabin.




Edited by deebee29
edited to add toilet info
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Pure luxury Iain....... We only intended to do it the once, then go back to the older boats but it is such a lovely boat we decided to book again for next year.

the heating and hot water swung it for us with mum being 84 she feels the cold but she was very comfortable on Elegance and it did get pretty chilly back in April

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"what I do know is that GHD's will work on an inverter"

The last time I saw you Griff you didnt have anything to use them on so you must be speaking from historical experience!!!!:hardhat::naughty::):Sailing

Sorry-couldnt resist

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That sounds ace Dave, at least the sight of a crew member with hair like a Brillo pad in the morning as she describes it can now never be inflicted on the gentile folk that inhabit the broads and the local wildlife can rest easy.

The boat looks awesome and I would imagine the pictures do not do her justice and trust me I will take good care of her for your next cruise!

I can just imagine what a boat with that kind of spec would look like kitted out for just 2 people, I'd never want to go home :dance

I can't believe how excited I am to be actually having a holiday after ten years without one, I'm sure the broads have changed a fair bit as far as facilities are concerned (Roy probably owns all of wroxham now :naughty: ) and I bet their is a McDonald's there somewhere... I intend to just soak in the tranquility and let the others wander off and do what women do when at lathams et al..... 



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You're right about McD's Ray, it's in Roys supermarket.


I'm sure you will settle back Into the swing of things. We had a lengthy break away before we returned last year and within 10 minutes it felt like we'd never been away


enjoy it and don't forget to come back and tell us all about it

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Agree with comments above,give Colin a ring.We used Silver line many times before,great boats and very well done.You don't need hair straighteners,a trip across Brydon will give you a good pem,secound thoughts!


Have a great time may see you will be up bank holiday weekend, heading north on the Tuesday



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Hang about this sounds like a Gin Palace to me?

Don't know the exact set up in the boat you are talking about but if it is through an inverter rather than a generator, which I'm guessing it is, and assuming there is enough power for the GHD's, I would also make sure that the engine was running during use or you may suffer from warm beer syndrome. Alternatively only use while plugged into shore power.


Edited by senator
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Ray, couldn't resist this....

There's a MacD buried in Roys in Hoveton (Wroxham), but Roy doesn't own the whole thing (yet)....

FWIW, the MacD was in there over 10 years ago (time of your last visit), so I just don't think you were looking hard enough :-)

There's a MacD drive thru near B&Q in Norwich, and another near the airport and a KFC  only about a mile from there, so you'll be spoilt for choice of haute cuisine....although you'll have to leave the boat behind of course....

(other food outlets are available - try the White Horse in Neatishead if you get chance - won many people's award for the most improved pub in Broadland) :-)

Have a great trip...


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Ha ha... Thanks for the heads up Saily, I shall add the 'avoid McDonald's' option into the satnav!  Mind you one of the things we used to do on the journey in the car to the broads all them years ago was stop off at the little chef! The girls thought it was well posh to be served lol :dance

And yes Senator from the looks of it it is a gin palace, I'm getting old and need a few homely comforts, electric toilets.... Whatever next? Self cleaning auto mooring devices? As for the wimmin... They will have to look after themselves I've already told them that Breydon is like crossing the English Channel in a bathtub haha..

I do intend to keep a log if anything interesting happens and plan to post it here and also as an addition to my website 'The Grumpy Old Gits Guide To Everything' webby address in the sig below you might find it worth a snigger or two (no ads to annoy anyone all financed by me) - right time for another drool over the pictures of the boat.... :dance



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