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Sprit of light for the night


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it's a me thing . Friday afternoon and I decided to mess with my cruise control switch on my car which I did not fix as they sent wrong replacment . But In doing so broke my brake light switch grrrrrrr. Only realised at 8:00 fri night , when I noticed brake lights were permently on . I have 130 mile trip to norfolk tomorrow morning . So at 11.30 pm  final fix it . By putting a wall plug on the end of the switch ,to extend it two guns. Bed me thinks . Up at six the drive went well . kids fell asleep for an hour so a result no mardy kids in the car. We got to the boat yard a bit early . So went for a coffee . At lathams  . So if any body so a family sat in rain drinking coffee and eating scones that was us :wave. Can't leave the dog in car so one out all out. But who cares we are on holiday. So know way I can get the boat out off the yard so admit defeat and ask for help. Which we got from a very nice man who loved his job . How easy do they make it look.

nothing real sticks out just a good relaxing afternoon and night moored at Salhouse  ,party on the next boat . But we were cream cracked so did not keep us a wake. They looked like they were having fun . I can remember the party life style before the  kids. I don't miss it much lol.

kids decided they did not need a layin so up at 7:15 :naughty:

breakfast and slow trip to the island at ran worth . Stern mooring with out bow thrusters it's been a while . All good and did a good job . The wife heard the fella at the side off us say " makes all the difrence when you have bow thrusters " she said she did not have the heart to tell him. . Well time to head back to the boat yard . 

On way it started to rain I can't drive inside the boat  just does not feel right so put  my anorak on and enjoyed the rain .

home now and exhausted but well worth it . 


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Last season I needed to give initiation training. I left Sheffield early on Tuesday morning to arrive at Brundall by 9.30 am, it rained all the way there, all of the 5 hours of training and all the way back to Sheffield. I arrived home about 9.30 pm somewhat fed up with the A47 & the A17 and the foul weather.



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Now, now you lot, I am going to have to correct you on a couple of points here, firstly, it's a Galley and not a kitchen, secondly, the men are called Galley Slaves and not kitchen staff :naughty: if my other half was to shout an order he would get more than a jab with a broom handle I can tell you lol :naughty:


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Now, now you lot, I am going to have to correct you on a couple of points here, firstly, it's a Galley and not a kitchen, secondly, the men are called Galley Slaves and not kitchen staff :naughty: if my other half was to shout an order he would get more than a jab with a broom handle I can tell you lol :naughty:


Oh dear, a lady member who uses violence on a boat!two guns Whatever next:naughty:



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Now, now you lot, I am going to have to correct you on a couple of points here, firstly, it's a Galley and not a kitchen, secondly, the men are called Galley Slaves and not kitchen staff :naughty: if my other half was to shout an order he would get more than a jab with a broom handle I can tell you lol :naughty:


so let me get this right.

wench remove yourself from the helm and make me a brew from the galley

is that better ?

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Now, now you lot, I am going to have to correct you on a couple of points here, firstly, it's a Galley and not a kitchen, secondly, the men are called Galley Slaves and not kitchen staff :naughty: if my other half was to shout an order he would get more than a jab with a broom handle I can tell you lol :naughty:


Well Grace Im not a galley slave or a kitchen staff I happen to have a wench for that, plus the wench is for cleaning duties and ah hem that also.


Male chauvinist never just a mere male. sexest never just me lol 


Charlie xx xx


PS runs for shelter

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Hmmm, isn't it amazing how brave people can be on their keyboards, it makes me wonder just how brave you might feel if your wive's were to read this, yes, I am talking to you Dave, Seriously and Charlie :norty:

As for Wench's removing themselves from the helm to make a cuppa, in your dreams, if it were my other half he would not be drinking it, but wearing it. Kitchen duties and ah hem that also, hmmm, I'd like to be a fly on the wall when Inge reads that, Charlie :norty: and as for girls having small feet to get to the kitchen sink or whatever, just a myth,  what is it they say about men and big feet......oh yeah,  just a myth :naughty: :taunt: :naughty:

Grace :kiss

p.s I have probably said this before.... "Women like the simple things in life, that's why we like men so much" ;)

Edited by Gracie
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