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No this is not the latest BBC kids franchise to replace the teletubbies but faced with the 'big push' to finish off Royal Tudor this year I'm now ordering all the  bits, components, tools and materials I'm going to need. The first on the list is a new throne for her Royal Highness Royal Tudor. What I'm looking for is a 'dump through' flushing toilet for ease of fitting, but can't seem to find one on the interweb thingy. I did check with the lads at Norfolk Marine but found myself in need of the pot myself when they told me how much the pan was going to be. Has anyone any links to a suitable dump through toilet with tank and all the fittings?

Much appreciated!

Did you notice how hard I tried to avoid all double entendre?


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It isn't the cheapest thing to replace.  The one on WR though was fitted in 2009 with a beautiful stainless steel holding tank by Jason and co at LBBY.  Comes with flushing river water but be warned the pump has had to be replaced two times now. It's quite hard to photo though as it is quite a small room! Old and new with original door back on after having been the shed door for about 30 years!


new toilet 09.08.09.jpg


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Now that's what I was thinking, something along those lines. But am I being thick and the basic Jabasco toilets are dump through ones that sit on top of the tank?

And may I say what a neat 'smallest cabin on the boat'!

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The tank is under the front bunk so not directly underneath - this works/looks just like the old dump in the river toilet - just that it doesn't!

I call the little room ensuite as it is next to my cabin and bunk.  I still sleep in the front bunk - tradition from the 1960s when father first bought her

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if you want a straight out dump through to a holding tank, would a caravan one work, with the removable cassette for emptying, or do you want it built in with a holding tank that needs a pump out?

aargh, I feel the same as you did, I just googled them, and £350

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I don't see the problem a dump through is easily replaced with a standard system.

A jabsco into a standard tank below, a short hose connects the two, the pump out goes to the deck position you have in mind, smell reduced compared to dump through.

If you need a particular shaped tank talk to Tektanks usually very helpful.


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Hi Timbo,

The dump through toilets used to have issues with the water seal on the toilet bowls, when they worked they were very good, the problem was they always needed the seals replacing by all accounts.

I would be inclined to fit a standard manual Jabsco compact toilet with a short length of pipe into the tank. I am not sure if Brian Ward's will allow the forums 10% discount on this discounted item, but it should never offend to ask, talk to Tanya or Nick.




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"when they worked they were very good, the problem was they always needed the seals replacing "


to keep the seals in good working order longer ....... a drop of cooking oil down the pan occasionally

soon loosens them up and stops them sticking.

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8 hours ago, jill_R said:

"when they worked they were very good, the problem was they always needed the seals replacing "


to keep the seals in good working order longer ....... a drop of cooking oil down the pan occasionally

soon loosens them up and stops them sticking.

Hi Jill,

A drop of cooking oil into the top of the piston stops the manual pump from squeaking and makes those stiff pumps more usable by lubricating the pump piston seals.



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