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Stalham bogs under threat?


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From a tourism point of view Overstrand and Wells Quay are far more important. 

Overstrand has a popular holiday beach and NO other facilities.

Wells has two others to my knowledge but both are a long way from the popular quay area with its Fish & chips etc. The beach toilets being a mile away

Blo"dy nonsense, I feel a letter to Norman Lamb coming on.

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Welcome to sunny Norfolk, so long as you have RBC! Remarkable Bladder Control ! This is not new, far from it, our council shut all bar two here in Troon, a very popular weekend day visit town. 

Along Barassie beach, was the first to go, a sign was put on it saying an agreement had been made with the hotel across the road. Move forward a few years, the hotel is now a brand new block of very expensive flats.

After many complaints to the council, they have installed I think its six portaloo cabins at the North Shore Beach. It took those complaints to the local MP, and local councilors to get action! 

So good folks of Norfolk, get on the phone, e-mail, or a good old fashioned letter, then hopefully you wont become a county of cross legged peeps! I wish you well.


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I'm becoming increasingly convinced that some councils make cuts to things that matter to people simply to make a political statement about government cuts.

It seems that cutting back on senior management posts, freeing up more money for the people who actually contribute to our society, rarely seems an option.

I wonder how many clip board carriers, meeting callers, survey conductors, compliance experts still walk the halls of our local council offices?

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We don't actually "GO" Monday to Friday in Norfolk in Winter as most are closed Sept to Easter. You can attend at weekends and half term though.

Overstrand was packed over the Christmas holidays as the weather was beautiful 14C. Were the conveniences open? NO.

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I note in the article that they are exploring the idea that local pubs & restaurants might be able to provide public access to their loos.


This seems a very good idea to me. The provider would presumably receive payment for the public usage which should cost considerably less than paying/maintaining the existing conveniences.

It should also resolve issues about cleanliness, vandalism & undesirable behaviour and in turn increase footfall to the comercial premises.

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Ah, but, where will the local dope dealer operate from? If the police raid a loo in a public house looking for dealers the landlord gets a huge fine looses his license and therefore his home. If I was a licensee I certainly would not allow my loos to be used as public conveniences.

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