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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. We bought one exactly the same a couple of years ago and it's been a smashing investment!
  2. I read Min Fee as Jon wrote it: "mine fee" which I took to be Jon's unique way of saying "My" fee................ I've got it now, OK, Peter?
  3. We have a healthy supply of slugs near the compost heap if anyone's interested.... well they are snails without shells, aren't they?
  4. The problem with that, Eric, is that you lose depth perception with one eye. That's why one-eyed pilots aren't allowed. Glad it's all over and you can start looking forward to next year's boating!
  5. Well you could go and live in Saudi Arabia, Neil, but it would probably be cheaper to have it done privately here in England?
  6. So let's get simple, Jon. If I have a boat that sells for £20,000, you'll charge £1200 + 20% = £1440 And £350 + 20% = £420 That's a total of £1860 if I'm correct? Just so that anyone will know what it will cost them, Jon. That sounds quite reasonable.
  7. On the cleaning topic, I've brought home our 14 tired looking fenders... any suggestions on how to get them back into reasonable condition, please?
  8. It all sounds good, John! What sales commission, VAT, etc are you charging, please?
  9. Thanks, Strow, I'll get one from my local Screwfix today.
  10. Thanks for that, Danial. I do have eye protection but I hadn't considered full-face protection, where can I get such, please? Did you use a small bottle spray or a gun? Norfolk Marine were doing an offer on antifouling a month ago........... Alternatively there was a place near the back of Lake Lothing's Marina which sells good stuff at a reasonable price, I'm sure that Peter will know where I mean!
  11. Welcome aboard the good ship NBN, Robin.
  12. "Scrotes" will do, Iain........................
  13. Jogger, Hi & a Warm Welcome Aboard from us!
  14. Congrats on your Full Members, Malcolm!     :wave

    1. Mouldy


      Many thanks for letting me know.

  15. If you know what Speed Tape is you'll appreciate this little story (or not). Back in the 80's I had a Loadmaster who was an ex-SAS Corporal and he had an insatiable taste for Remy Martin. We arrived in Madinah for a night stop after off-loading the Rolls Royce RB 211 for Saudia. Now this was a pretty high-security place and they didn't seem too friendly towards us. They searched out carry-off bags thoroughly and seemed surprised that the Loadmaster had two cans of coke with him......... He had opened the bottom with one of those triangular piercing can openers, emptied the coke out and filled them with his beloved RM. Then he'd covered the entire bottom with a very carefully cut out circle of speed tape... it was very difficult to spot and fortunately for me (The Captain) they didn't. I dread to think whether I'd actually be here if they had...... I knew nothing about this until he arrived in my room for the post-flight debrief with his two cans of coke and four glasses. Neither the FO, FE or I particularly liked coke and showed surprise until he opened the cans and poured us a tot each! https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=speed+tape&tbm=isch&imgil=rUyzNbEl5mVIOM%253A%253BqjO3DlXhud_wAM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.askthepilot.com%25252Fduct-tape%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=rUyzNbEl5mVIOM%253A%252CqjO3DlXhud_wAM%252C_&biw=1600&bih=763&usg=__D3e6DFCI4S8GjSolVGhktUZ9fXU%3D&ved=0CFcQyjdqFQoTCLPZjqOu-8gCFQXXGgodWoQOcA&ei=ZWI8VvOSCIWua9qIuoAH#imgrc=rUyzNbEl5mVIOM%3A&usg=__D3e6DFCI4S8GjSolVGhktUZ9fXU%3D
  16. I'm on Iain's side when it comes to Scotch... we were based at RAF Lossiemouth on detachment and used to go weaponeering at Tain Range in our Buccaneers. The Glenmorangie distillery invited our Squadron to an evening's tasting......... We were later told that we'd had a really good time!
  17. Good news, Eric.. at last you'll be able to see what your family looks like (and yourself in the mirror)!
  18. Well they can prosecute all they like but it wasn't a barrel roll they performed, as shown by the Daily Mail...........
  19. Here's the link, Grace... note, no Scotch but Aberdeen Angus might do? https://www.aldi.co.uk/en/product-range/exclusive-to-aldi/specially-selected/specially-selected-product-range/specially-selected-product-range/ps/p/specially-selected-hand-cooked-crispss/
  20. Just for you, Grace.... they're gorgeous!
  21. So the girls will be calling you "Cyclops" for the next few days, eh, Eric? I hope you're feeling a bit more relaxed, Mate.
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