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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Forty years ago I used to crew and race with the 470 UK National Champion (a 4.7m racing dinghy). We also sailed the East Coast, across the North Sea and down the English Channel for 20 years in our 30ft yacht. So I do know a bit about dinghys and yachts. My 470 helm was utterly ruthless and would carve up any other racer who couldn't match his aggression. I found most of the other competitors much the same. If he was on starboard tack (which has the right of way) he would even hit a close competitor to cause that dinghy a penalty (usually a 720degs turn).... I can see no reason why today's competitors are any the less minded.... and as for us "stinkies".. I personally go at tickover along the starboard bank when passing a racing fleet. I haven't been hit, yet.
  2. Quite so, Andy. Two of them were moored at Norwich YS about a couple of boat lengths away from us.... Yes, they did have a few cannies but quietly and sensibly from where we sat watching them (and the World) go by. In fact when I walked past them they were very friendly, asked me how it was going and all smiled at my "Life doesn't get much better, does it?". :grin: I thought then that you were perhaps lucky to have such guys aboard and how we shouldn't tar everyone with the same brush...............
  3. Great to hear you're up, about and mended, Ron! Let us know when you're coming South and we'll try to meet up. We're in Norwich at the moment on the Wherry Trail but we did come across some amazing dragons yesterday... some were pretty lovely ones too!
  4. I'm afraid the mumbo-jumbo passed me by, but as to your last line, now that's a matter of opinion, Jasper! Mary-Jane liked this Lady Dragon!
  5. A very warm "Welcome Aboard" from us, Lesley.
  6. They'll certainly keep your batteries topped up but as for heating water??? You need four of the big ones on a house roof to produce just 1 Kw and a very large invertor to translate 12VDC to 230V AC.
  7. Correct! At 5 miles she'll be at 1500ft descending 300 ft each mile to touchdown. Better take a long lens!
  8. The wind is forecast to be SSWly at 10mph, so she'll hopefully be coming in on RW 27. From Southend I would personally just fly up the coast and come in at Scratby, thence overhead Thurne Mouth, Ranworth and Salhouse on the extended centre-line of RW 27. So if you're along the Bure on Sunday afternoon keep a lookout and give her a wave!
  9. As I've said before, Broads Control!
  10. Jasper, hi. A pic of the boat OK but not quite the way you did it, with the arrow pointing to and highlighting the registration number& name.
  11. Wonderfully put, Keith! :clap (Who made that valid comment, please?)
  12. What a load of bubble and squeak! :cry
  13. You've let yourself in for a lotta replies, Grace! :shocked (Please keep them half-decent, guys..........)
  14. Mark, Hi. This looks OK, do you have to plug it into the 12V socket? And does it have a memory card built in, please?
  15. Thanks, Siddy... two useful sites bookmarked! :clap
  16. Ditto Iain's and Griff's comments, Tim. I'd certainly let you loose on Friday Girl! :clap
  17. OK, Alan. We don't want to annoy the "Pesky New Boss", do we? :naughty:
  18. Just sent you a PM reply... did you get an e-mail? (I didn't from your PM)
  19. OK, Alan. I ticked "Follow this topic" earlier on and it didn't let me know that you'd relied.... I used instantaneously...
  20. Very much looking forward to this one, Griff and Robin! :clap
  21. If the temperature is 50degs C then I doubt one would have the energy for much more, Grace! :bow
  22. Matt, it confused me when they started it last year at OBYS and I eventually got a reply from Sentinel Leisure. Pehaps they should use "Electrically Powered"? :shocked On second thoughts that would have the leccy powered brigade up in arms..... Why not just have "Moorings £X" and "Leccy £Y"? :roll:
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