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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. It was a history changing battle, Iain........... you and I might both be speaking Franglais had Blucher not arrived in time. Here's what was happening 200 years ago: 16:30 One French cuirassier division, charging at full tilt, is forced to ride straight through the allied chequerboard. They take withering fire from all sides. Cpt Delafosse recalls seeing “men and horses slashed down…covered in blood, black with mud.” Only 30 or 40 of them make it back. 16:25 As the French horsemen get within 30 yards of the first English squares, they fire. Devastating overlapping volleys from several squares at once rake each cavalry squadron. Ensign Macready remembers: Quote The effect was magical. Through the smoke we could see helmets falling – cavaliers starting from their seats with convulsive springs as they received our balls, horses plunging and rearing in agonies of fright and pain. 16:20 The French are expecting to be shot at, but Wellington’s squares hold fire. This is actually even more alarming. The leading cavalry squadrons lose their nerve and wheel to the right and left, flowing around the allied formation – or through it, between the squares.
  2. 200 years ago to the day, a few minutes ago at 10.42: 10:42 Napoleon dictates his attack order. The main assault will be led by Marshal D’Erlon, who is to take his infantry and strike Wellington’s centre to the east of La Haye Sainte.
  3. Perhaps you'll tell us a bit about yourself in "New Members say Hi", Jamster?
  4. Something to do with vodka, eh Neil? (and I thought you were a teetotaller?) :naughty:
  5. Hear! Hear! Iain. Yesterday was as good as I've seen in many a game!
  6. Jamstar, HI again. Pls see my welcome and answer to this in the previious thread you posted this query
  7. Jamstar, Hello and welcome aboard the friendly forum. You might try PM'ing MBird if he doesn't respond to your query, he's not been online here for a couple of days.
  8. Robert, Hello again. Showers at Barnes Brinkcraft in Wroxham, too... (yes, I know, you lot!)
  9. If you'll let me moor up I'll bring you lots, Andy!
  10. Robert, Hi, and welcome aboard the friendly forum. I too agree with Alan's plan and I'd certainly add Sutton Staithe to your itinerary, possibly the last night as it's so close to Stalham.
  11. We have NBN address cards. P M me your address and I'll send you some! Or come to the Meet and I'll give you lots.....
  12. Brian, what a lovely write up. I was with you in imagining exactly where you said you were and what you were doing. Superlative pics, what camera/lens were you using, please? :clap
  13. I truly applaud you all, Carol & Stuart..... :clap (And would love to see your multi-tasking, Carol!)
  14. Two q's please, Clive: Do you mean you sterilise them at the beginning of each season? Ditto water filters?
  15. You have such a luvverly turn of phrase, Griff! :clap
  16. Plastic bottles are probably best as you can see/feel them as the pressure builds up. Anything from 3%-11%.. depends if you use yeast as well as the elderflower natural yeast. I would definitely do so!
  17. Terry & Denise, Hi and welcome aboard. I don't think I know of ANY pub on The Broads who won't let a well-behaved dog into the bar...... (p.s. I'm sure I'll be rapidly contradicted!)
  18. And if you drink enough of that you'll probably kill any germs in the water with your breath! :naughty:
  19. The only chance of that, Peter, would be if we won alotta money.... then it would definitely be this!
  20. Rod wrote quite a long article on this practice a few years ago, Roy and Diane. I'm afraid it's gone during the changeover to IPS.
  21. I mentined this in another topic yesterday and it's so easy to make. We use the River Cottage method and it's perfect as an addition to Gin............ honestly! https://www.rivercottage.net/recipes/sparkling-elderflower-wine
  22. There's a 'mini-trundle' lined up at Brooms for sale at the moment......................
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