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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi All, If there are messages for me, I apologise for not replying, I had an accident on the boat. Will tell all later. I am ok and heading for the New Inn at Horning tonight IF my space I booked is still there for me. If Mike reads this, I hope to see you and Pat there tonight. Iain.
  2. I never realised they were so well edjacated in South Lanarkshire To be adults I meant! Iain
  3. Even I am not brave enough to ask the crew to put him on terra firma. This dampness aint doing my arthritis any favours Iain
  4. Hi Mark, Indeed the thrusters toys have come in very handy indeed, including the ELECTRIC MUDWEIGHT My days of chucking that dollop of molten metal are now far gone lol Iain
  5. Frank, you have my sincerest apologies, it was but tongue in cheek. In that case get rid if it, its no use for performing marriage ceremonies I have only had two hire boats with the rail and found them a hindrance throwing out the mudweight. Iain
  6. BroadScot


    Afternoon all, what's all this about the sedate cruising of the Norfolk Broads. the next sentence is UNPRINTABLE I leave you all to imagine what I am thinking. Well I put on my thinking cap and decided on a lovely short cruise today to Coltishall, spied two Kingfishers but sadly no picks of them. Anyway as I type the rain and hail is stoating aff the roof of the good ship BROADWAY2. We are tied up nice and cosey not a boat in sight. I am just about to send a MODS letter to the BBC Weather people. Oh BTW I left home to avoid the breezes, but instead get bloody full blown gales lol grrrrrrrrr.
  7. Ah yes Chealski that London russian side. Mair money than sense. a load of old roubles that team are Iain
  8. Unless you are a Vicar, I wouldn't waste your money Frank Iain
  9. I so like a happy ending Alan Iain
  10. Hello all, some of this engines being on early, may have something to do with the new fangle dangled dashboards, no longer are there battery gauges, in stead we have an array of multi lights, Green,amber and red. However, half way down the amber lights is a notice saying RUN ENGINES. So this may be part of the reason you are hearing the early call of exhausts. I waited till 8.15am before I gave my engine a start. Iain
  11. BroadScot


    Greetings (bump) its blowing a hooly at Wroxham (bigger bump) MAY yer havin a laff Stay safe all. Its hard work steering straight! (bump!} Moored at the public staithe, Hoveton/Wroxham. Iain
  12. Oh dear, there is no hope for you now Robin. Best pack your bags and move to the promised land or summat like that. The chosen one, not the Chelsea Manager, the BA Skipper has smitten you. Enjoy your roast beef n yorkshire pud seven days a week! Spotted Dick for afters! Iain.
  13. Hi Alan, It will be next Sunday I think before the South beckons. The tide times are naff. At my age, I require my morning beauty sleep! Not poodling down the Bure at the crack of dawn, That's ok for the likes of young Robin. Iain
  14. Those geese are called many things. They are known to me as the Turdites, all the poops they leave behind! Iain
  15. Hi Eric, If I moor stern on to the pontoon mooring at OBYS I hope it will be ok. No way will I go stern on on the Harbour Master Quay. Thank you, I leave hopefully 8am ish Tomorrow. Going Edinbirgh By Pass and A1 for a change. Iain.
  16. Hi Alan, Stern on be best with the platform on the stern of Braoadway I think. Once I see it in the flesh will make up my mind. Iain.
  17. Not me ..I support Lancashire CCC . Nice gift though. Iain
  18. Ok, now shall say this only ONCE!! Lottery Numbers, come UP tonight! pretty please! I want one! Looks absolutely fandabydoubledozey! Iain.
  19. Thank you Grace, I always behave I do, honest Yes my fellow peskiers, is there such a word? I am sure will keep you in check and well behaved! Who writes this stuff Iain <~~More practice!
  20. Well then, do I spy ORCA moored at the OBYS? There again I could be wrong! Iain
  21. Hi Paul, Thank you, as the tides are very early or very late, it looks like a crossing on the Sunday morning for us. Enjoy your time on the rivers also. Iain.
  22. Hi Alan, Thank you for kind wishes. Looking at the weather I am going to take the Edinburgh city by-pass, after we pick up my sis in law. Set Tom Tom for all the speed cameras on the A1 lol The Admiral has my mobile number, and I know he is on the rivers from I think 11th May, so hopefully our paths will cross. I always try and wave to most boats, especially ones with kiddies on them. Iain
  23. Its a trial run before its fitted on to the roof of the "Jolly Richie" as Creche fencing. Iain.
  24. Get a better SUNDIAL Grace, that way you will return to the yard before dusk! Iain.
  25. Thank you all for your kind wishes. If and when I can get a signal I shall look in to see you are all behaving yourselves, (well a Mod can dream! )anyway the rest of the NBN team will keep you in good order I am sure. I have topped up my old Three Dongle. so hopefully it will work still. Iain. <~~Practicing my holiday waving !
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