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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. To use an expression from the Battle of the Bulge at Bastogne..... Nuts!!! Iain
  2. Err does Robin know Zebadee is on board also? Iain
  3. Or...perhaps the Chinese economy is not as RAZOR SHARP as some people think !
  4. Old, yes Andrew, ill tempered ? Nah, only when my pension is paid in late to my bank account ! Bring back the little book we received with our booking invoice. A wealth of information it had IMO. I bet you could tell many a tale about trial run crews ! Iain
  5. My concern is for the poor boat owners moored next to him !
  6. Some very good points there Andrew, but, and IMHO a big BUT, the big yards just do not have the time at turn round to implement your ideas, sound as they are. Unless they hire more personel. More staff equals higher boat prices. I am talking from decades of boat hiring. Iain
  7. There appear to be a number of Frank Spencer's on this Forum that are somewhat accident prone, myself included!! I still have nightmares over a certain fire extinguisher ! Iain
  8. If you are hiring, you should be able to use the boatyards bins. This link I hope will let you read other members thoughts etc. http://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/search/?type=all&q=Rubbish+bins+on+the+broads Have a brill holiday, and hope we shall read your tales and pics later. Iain
  9. You were lucky, Vanessa, I watched in horror when a golf club head came flying off into a crowd ! Luckily know one was hurt, but the shout of fore has a different ring to it when its a clubhead coming towards you ! Iain
  10. When you think about it more and more, Charlie, this malarky is bliddy dangerous !!!
  11. Just had this e-mail from a very good boating source, regarding earthing. Hi Iain Sorry for delay in replying. As regards earthing, our boats had an earthing plate imbedded on either side of the keel, these were bonded to a busbar in the main switch board in the after cabin, all the earthing for the power circuits onboard were in turn bonded to this. Hope this is of some help to you. Iain
  12. Hi Robin, Basically your body completed the circuit, and you are indeed a lucky fella to tell the tale. Like Alan I have had a few rattles in my time, thankfully one handed ones are less painful ! However, I do have a scar on my right thumb from a busbar burn caused by a faulty rubber electrical glove, with as it happened a pinhole on it. I was flung a fair distance, and woke up in the accident room at a foundry, with copious amounts of sweet tea to drink ! The busbar could not be turned off while we added the new three phase 440/660volt armoured cable. Elf n safety in the 60s wasn't heard of much, then ! It was the awkward blue phase I was tightening when extra pressure by my thumb opened the glove. I then became an Olympic long jumper unassisted ! You were lucky, so was I also. Iain
  13. Hi Jim, They are in many hire boats in the shower room, but hidden away from water or put above the shower head. I would assume its the same for private craft. Iain
  14. Been there Alan, got the T Shirt ! Grrrrrrr!!!!!
  15. Plasterers are bl...y experts at covering over sunk metal conduit boxes !!! Some would not plaster over the conduit unless the wraggle had been filled in completely with cement ! Iain
  16. To be fair to them Alan, they are positive, they are positive they are always right and the punters wrong ! Iain
  17. Nah Mark, her BP has risen to 230 over 110 !
  18. Bet you have never had a "rattle" off a bunch of bananas Vaughan I live to tell the tale lol. Suffice to say it was caused by stupidity by a young lad working in the grocers store. I put my neon tester on the bunch of bananas, the tester lit up! Says I to myself, sounds like an earth leakage somewhere ! Tried all the usual suspects,no joy. So asked had any appliance broken down recently. Yes replied the young lad, and I repaired it says he. So I opened the plug top, and to my horror it was a piece of silver fag paper wrapped arround the cartridge fuse and was shorting to earth! New fuse fitted, problem.solved. The reason I have written this, it just goes to show how fickle electricity can be In the wrong hands ! Iain
  19. A new fast route then from Donny to Stalham ! Iain
  20. Yup Andrew, that was the way we went to go to Crouchens for the morning papers and milk etc. Iain
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