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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi Alan, G E T till taken over were bullet proof, especially their 45amp pull switch for showers. Never returned anything made by G E T. I had trouble with the MK 45amp DP switches used for double ovens, the silver contacts melted know matter how tight the terminals were. The joys of our industry ! Basically dear is not always best, but using cheaper brands can prove a bargain, when in doubt, always use a qualified Electrician. You know it makes sense. Iain
  2. A lot of mileage in that reply, Chris. Iain
  3. Just to cheer you all up, it will soon be the early dark evenings,and all the clever clog members can show their prowess at the Monday night quiz ! I might call in some night to see you are all behaving yourselves ! Iain
  4. Hi Robin, They used the 5amp three pin for the TV and the short cable with cigar socket. The ones on table lamps were even smaller, they were 3amp. Only two wires were connected on the socket. Different yards used different connection combinations, so hair driers etc could not be used. As Vaughan said on another thread, they were done to be HIRER proof ! Iain
  5. Hi Mark, The Troon Marina has a very good eatery and not too long a stagger back to the boat http://www.scotts-troon.co.uk/gallery/ However, the real ale pub would require a cokey back on Scoot ! Iain
  6. After reading about Directors in Aldi I sent SWMBO to the very shop to purchase said beer, sadly it does not travel that far. However, she did purchase a beer there from the Lerwick Brewery called AZURE light hoppy ale 4.5% and very nice it is too! We are celebrating summer arriving here for the first of TWO DAYS, so decided I should sample this unusual ale made with NZ and USA Hops ! Iain
  7. Just as a side issue, MK are not as good a quality as they use to be, and overpriced for what they are, indeed I returned more of their accessories than any other make. I would never use VOLEX, but their items have improved. CONTACTUM are much improved, Marbo and BG from Screwfix are a good price also. So shop about is my advice. Iain
  8. I blame all this wood turning and tenon joint work makes you very thirsty you pair ! I blame mine on Moderation on here ! Iain
  9. Mine is over 30 years old ! Has saved me a few rattles over the years. One of the SSEB meter lads had a spare one and kindly gave it to me. That looks like a converted IP46 Box with a switch cut into it. I have found that slicing in a cross with a pocket knife ensures it gives a good fit to flexible cables. However, a stuffing gland gives the best water tight fit. Iain
  10. This plug is very good for such applications. If there is an earth fault or leakage, it will show on the lights. Iain
  11. I can see it now, back to the 80's double moored along the whole quay ! Let the chaos begin Iain
  12. Oh you've gone and done it now MM, you will have Gracie swooning all over you ! Iain
  13. You mean he didn't have his Skippers kiss me quick hat on?
  14. Our old 12v coolbox drew 36watts, but have seen them for sale at 40watt output. I thought all hire craft had the cigar car type socket for charging mobiles? Iain
  15. Hi Andy, I would suggest a quick phone call to Richos may answer your queery. Hi Ian, I thought they had withdrawn that. Iain
  16. Or, if your a Mod, some of the jokes in the jokes section !
  17. What is that all about?? Having met John, he wid talk the legs aff a donkey ! As for Eric, I dont know any QUIET Scots ! Iain
  18. Mark, Have a "wee cruise" to the Isle of Arran, and sample both the brewery at Brodick and the Distillery at Lochranza, being a generous Scot, I will gladly supply the paracetamols for the morning recovery ! After that, pop over to the Troon Marina and I will buy you a dram ! Iain
  19. Hi TheQ, I don't see any reason to move your new thread, and being a retired spark, shall read with interest. There are several other lecky members may also show interest. Iain
  20. Crickey that is one hellova wallop.I hope the repairs are 110% and not a put you by job. Iain
  21. Hi Simon, Like Eric, we had the guages on Broadway, and found them handy to have. The water guage is not a new thing, they were on some boats back in the 70's it was then though a float guage. The Calypso's also had fuel guages in those days. Not very accurate though ! Iain
  22. Sorry JA I would have loved to attend such a fantastic weekend of woodie mania. The only thing missing that I can see from your list is the chocy tasting competition ! Hope all goes well, these events don't just happen, a lot of time and effort goes in to running them ! Have a great time a fab weather ! Iain
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