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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. And I will be reeling you in Mark, if you don't behave! Iain.
  2. I am watching all your remarks "Gentlemen" Iain
  3. Know wonder MM when you were considering buying a flappy thing! That would have made you penniless for sure! Iain
  4. Third year Electrician Apprentice, take home pay after tax n insurance, £6.17/6d out of that £4.00 money to the house keeping, £2.00 saved towards my first car. 17/6d pocket money. We did though get loads of overtime in those days! Iain
  5. I have always used it to check the bridge height. It can save you a trip up to the bridge, if too low. Iain
  6. Don't spend a lot on a TV the signal although much improved since went digital, but a picture can be had now in most areas, not all though.The model that Herbert Woods uses on their hire craft is good, I have used it in the past. It's the arial that is most important I think! Iain
  7. It allows you BB to set your browsing in two formats. It does nothing sinister Iain
  8. A ten bob note went a long way in those days! Iain
  9. Like your style, Mark You bet it's OK! Iain
  10. I was a bit tongue in cheek Mark. That dyke IS narrow as it stands now. There may be rookie crews coming and going up there, hopefully know damage will occur, but, just my thoughts IF it isn't managed, will it remain navigable? Iain
  11. That will be the distillery at Forres, I think, Mark. I have had the basic House Of Parliament dram, and it was very pleasent. I am sure the Speakers will be even more so! Enjoy you lucky begger! Iain
  12. That's you accounted for Poppy, what about the rest of us? Iain
  13. Tony I am half welsh I have sampled the Welsh dram, a tad too sweet for my pallet, but better than Isley Malts in texture IMHO. Iain
  14. HM, I can see some serious chat is called for regarding your choice of "Iodiene" whiskies As one who has sampled many malts over many decades, I would suggest you sample as many of the Spey whiskies that are available down south. No matter what dram is your tipple, it's good to try the real good ones, like Glenmorangie, Cragenmore, Highland Park, Tamdhu, Cardhu, to name but a few! Iain
  15. Just a thought....is this the BAs NP theory to turn back the clock?
  16. I have been through your country on several ocassions by coach. You will find Norfolk much flatter than in your homeland. BTW that is - by the way - you may see some of us shorten phrases, too lazy to type I break into my native Scots lingo from time to time, dinny worry, it doesn't last long, Gracie gets all confused So HM it is ! Iain
  17. Hi HakunaMatata, Welcome to the NBN Forum any questions, I am sure someone will be along to help you. Enjoy your stay on the Broads Iain
  18. BroadScot


    9ft clearance at old Beccles Bridge is not uncommon. Unless the tides are playing silly buggers. Iain
  19. BroadScot


    20 penalty points young Alan for spilling the beans ! Iain
  20. BroadScot


    Wellllll I am going to splurt the pub name out! Well I would if I could, but can't so I shant, coz its got a sign saying ...... nope my lips/fingers are sealed! Iain
  21. Hi John, You have put your question in the correct heading. As Howard (Norfolk Nog) says, Strowager is the person to glean information. You wont be able, I don't think, to PM him. Iain.
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