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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. The Cally Canal has its standards please. I think they would rock n roll a bit up there Iain
  2. Does it repel the french mozzies? Gross is how I would describe it, Dan. Iain
  3. Rules are rules, so I was told. As was said at half time, that "try" could and did influence the result. Sour grapes are bad for the tum! Never eat them ! Iain
  4. That's what the score says, but, the first welsh try was the preverbial mile OFFSIDE! 32 Cameras there and the TV Judge STILL got it wrong Someday we will get a Ref that knows the rules of rugby! Iain
  5. Hi Mark, If you look further back you will find a similar topic, and the reason why we now have the arrow. It's in the thread Iain
  6. Never knew devine guidance was so Heavy! Mark! Iain
  7. Bump! For those who may have missed the latest add on. Iain
  8. Oh there used to be an excellent Canton restaurant in Ipswich, just across from the Novotel. First class it was. All you will require, now, is to understand the Ipswich twang, Ian. Enjoy you new moorings, happy cruising. Iain.
  9. Irvine beach yesterday. Somewhat breezy and high chill factor, but nice to see blue sky for a change! Iain
  10. One of the biggest drawbacks to working alone is cash flow. Getting the work is one thing, being paid promptly is another! Any self employed tradesman, will know exactly what I mean. My biggest problem was working for big companies, they are the worst at paying bills promptly IMHO. Iain
  11. Yup I see it Skipper! Clever boy! Iain
  12. Does not sound good at all.... Iain
  13. Enjoy the "trip" Mark .... Och! Iain
  14. Errr the BBC Weather person? Iain
  15. Hi Poppy, At the bottom right is the hyper link..... EVERYTHING..... If you click that, it should take you back to the top of the page. Iain
  16. Aye, ice cube or cubes for the Malt Whisky, but do try my suggestion when drinking the blended drams. Iain
  17. Chill the dry ginger ale a tad, it will bring out even more flavour in your Whisky. Enjoy! Iain
  18. Now there IS someone with class! Iain
  19. I personally would stay with the tried and trusted way of varnishing JA. Yes the new may be advantageous, but, as I come from the old school of trained thought, better the devil you know, as they say. Iain
  20. Just checked MM.....IN Tesco the Gold Kings are £9.16p for 20........Gulp! Iain
  21. NO....NO.....thrice NO! Iain
  22. Do they creep in God's county? Ohhhh error misses or...perhaps it's Howard on the hunt for Adnams Old! Hic! Iain
  23. I was 60 a day, for my sins Mark. Being self employed then a fag in the hand was a comfort when on a job somewhere or other. I wish you well in your attempt to give them up! It's not easy, but it's very financialy rewarding, they were £2.09 for a 20 pkt when I stopped in 1993. Iain
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