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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Oops! Reseal it Pauline, and send it back to sender! Iain
  2. Hi Frank, Have a safe journey to Norfolk. Iain
  3. Quite right Liz, don't open it yet....when you do it will cost you money! Iain
  4. Happy St David's Day to all our welsh members Iain
  5. Hi Andrew, Metric is great for reading electrical plans, for houses etc, but give me good old brit imperial for most other measurements, its what WE were taught in our young days! The first sniff of the dodgy metric was when new apprentices hadn't a clue when I quoted BI to them! Cut a length of conduit 4ft6" was a foreign language Iain
  6. Noted! As if you would EVER go off topic Grace Iain
  7. Err, maybe I am missing something here, but outside our schools where I live, when its time for the little darlings to go or leave, we have flashing warning lights with a 20mph speed limit in force. Iain
  8. Hi Vaughan, Yes, you are spot on, yes, very significant! Their service was first class! Alan Johnson a real gent. Dave Pipe at Astons was so helpful too. With regards to your old stomping ground, we did indeed meet Brian, but more so Karen, who thankfully moved to Stalham when Thorpe closed. She made sure we were well looked after at Thorpe, a lovely lady to deal with. ALL the staff there could never do enough for us. Happy days Iain
  9. Welcome to sunny Norfolk, so long as you have RBC! Remarkable Bladder Control ! This is not new, far from it, our council shut all bar two here in Troon, a very popular weekend day visit town. Along Barassie beach, was the first to go, a sign was put on it saying an agreement had been made with the hotel across the road. Move forward a few years, the hotel is now a brand new block of very expensive flats. After many complaints to the council, they have installed I think its six portaloo cabins at the North Shore Beach. It took those complaints to the local MP, and local councilors to get action! So good folks of Norfolk, get on the phone, e-mail, or a good old fashioned letter, then hopefully you wont become a county of cross legged peeps! I wish you well. Iain
  10. Hi Siddy, yes indeed they were very reliable but dearer, so up here it was Sangamo clocks that were used for heating etc, they too were reliable, cheaper, but, after a while NOISEY! Iain
  11. Hi Vaughan, I started with Porter & Haylett, and remained there till Paul Clarke I think his name was, moved on to work for Powels International. So it was Dick Sabberton and Gwen at Summercraft for alternate holidays there and Alan Johnson at Acle. Summercraft, Easter, AJ in the summer to avoid the biz at Wroxham. When both retired we moved down south with Astons at Loddon, remained there till they closed, and moved to New Horizon at your old yard at Thorpe St Andrew. Yes, yet again remained there till it closed. Honest! It was not my fault they kept retiring! In between, we fitted in the odd hire elsewhere like Stalham and Acle again. Getting to know the different staff is good, I think, for many reasons. Iain
  12. The city has changed a lot over the 40 years or so, with the shopping mall etc. I agree with Jean and Howard, a map is a must, as there is so much to see there. Enjoy the trip Gramps, hope the weather is kind to you also. Iain
  13. E Gas fitters use to have their own wiring diagram books, they resembled nothing like the original ones. I use to phone one if hit a c/heating problem. It was best to leave it to those guys to sort out the faults, and save time and money. Iain
  14. Honeywell, built to last! Installed many of their products. Some required Einstein to work out how to wire them up! Iain
  15. Very true, Mark, when all the privatising came about, I spoke to an old Plumber/ Heating Engineer, and asked his advice who would you go with. he said stick with Scottish Gas, better the devil you know, etc...... Iain.
  16. Hi Siddy, With arthritic/psoriatic legs I think its going to be very useful for me, and saves me asking SWMBO to go and adjust the stat. You can if you wish, have different times and temperatures for different days, I think. Plus an hour boost feature if you are out. Like all these modern items, it will be out of date by next week! So far, so good, as they say. Iain
  17. Hi Alan, Nah, after what I paid for it, it was all his work, and very neat and tidy it was too! Funny enough, he was an Iain, spelt my way, also! Iain
  18. Your just lealous I beat you too it Poppy! Iain
  19. Hi folks, I had the gas engineer out yesterday checking our combi boiler. I was not happy with the consistency of our c/heating for a while, and this latest cold snap, had me contacting the company. The lad arrived, checked everything out, and as I suspected, it has always been where the room thermostat was sited. I had been looking at the latest techo called HIVE, and ended up having him instal it instead of the old time clock / stat system. It aint cheap, but for me and my dodgy legs, makes resetting the heating now a breeze from my recliner, using either my lappy,tablet or mobile phone. I can even reset it if on the Broads! Yes, basically anywhere as long as you have a mobile smart phone and a router. It did not take long to work out how it all worked, although to be fair the engineer showed me how it all was set up. So if you are ever thinking of purchasing this gadget, please do ask any questions, I will do my best to answer them. Iain
  20. Aye Grace, over his knee and yer bahoochie skelpit! Iain
  21. Not to worry, its JA, a box of chocies are desperate to be opened while watching the film Eh JA? Look forward to watching the video Iain
  22. How nice you all thought of our JM! As for ITV, what else can you expect from a half baked TV company, that survives on SOAPS! Iain
  23. May I put the hot water in the morning bit, slightly differently. In the early spring say Easter holiday, it can and has been freezingly cold. You turn the hot water on in the morning, ziltch, cauld, bliddy freezing! Solution, insulate the tanks on the hire craft better, or cruise even more hours! Move forward towards the summer, aye I remember a hot summer, just! So, you turn on the tap in the morning, and pot luck, some hire craft will have ample water to dicht the face, and IF you're really lucky, up n doon as far as possible! Back to autumn, funny enough, I have always found ample hot water in the mornings to do what we did in the summer! This is not a high level scientific study on my part, just 40 plus years of sampling Norfolk's wonderful boating holidays! Iain.
  24. Cruise control fine with diesel injection, and I have a fair number of hills to negotiate befoe I reach the flat fens. Iain
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