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Everything posted by Warp

  1. Hindu temple I thought? A very very different proposition indeed. Many Hindu traditions are very water centric especially around rivers. So I can see this would probably be a really good location for a hindu temple. It would also be pretty cool to have a hindu temple on the broads (IMHO). I have no idea what the concerns over traffic might be so my only concerns would be on the lines of: That the site would be very unlikely to ever be repurposed again so this should not be looked at as a similar change of use as say switching from pub to restaurant, it should be looked at as something done forever. Safety of any bathers - some steps could easily be inset from the main river. Loss of moorings - I suspect the moorings would actually mostly stay given that it's intended as a place for cultural exchange... Barbecues could lead to some unhappy 'cultural exchanges'...
  2. Thanks Poppy some great stuff on there!
  3. Warp

    Ratchet blocks

    12mm no problem... I think we'll go for the manual switching one. Thanks for the feedback!
  4. Warp

    Ratchet blocks

    Yep it can be a case of duck or swim. However if it hits you hard enough that it sends you overboard you may not be in a fit state to swim so take the usual precautions. Sorry for being a bit incomprehensible.
  5. I'm looking at buying a ratchet block. It will be 10mm line wrapped 90 degrees going back to 4:1 on a 30' boat. I think I need one with around 75mm sheves (pleased to be corrected). There are standard ones and automatic light air ones that freewheel under low tensions. I'm not sure if this would be annoying or not given that light airs are common but we tack a lot on the rivers so may just want it to hold the line. Any advice or experience shared would be gratefully received.
  6. No - that was the official-official NFN ceremony that you were not supposed to mention (it should have been one of your promises). Maybe the ceremony after that impaired your memory of your vows...
  7. Alright so where are the pics of the unofficial ceremony that one would expect followed?
  8. Warp

    Name that boat !

    He'll play Minstrel and sing you a Serenade? My guess is Minstrel
  9. Watt are they thinking? I hope the lengthy cables will not cause too much impedance for the public. The potential for trips could cause a drop-off or two. I would imagine that they would find it difficult to resist being pulled up to de-fuse the situation and remain static in their capacitance as suppliers.
  10. Yes way to start as you mean to go on Robin! Good luck with your driving lessons now you can see straight. Only surprised Griff hadn't already mandated eye test first!
  11. Tha's nothing! I didn't mention it's probably because certain authorities take our money and won't dredge anything anymore because of the grumpy fishermen or the twitchy ornithomaniacs so the rivers are higher due to them silting up or anything! ... I'll go for some apples please - locally sourced of course.
  12. So are you saying is that it's the stinkies own fault they can't get under anymore because of their contribution to global warming raising sea levels and the like?
  13. I think it would be nice to stop potter sinking at least. I'm pretty sure it's got lower since I first took a 'full size' hire boat under there around 25 years ago without a second thought. Either that or I'm less confident now than I was as a teenager... Jacking it back up again would possibly be a rather difficult and expensive thing to do to such an old bridge. It certainly shouldn't be replaced by a modern one for the modern 'full size' hire boats as it it's a beautiful old thing. It also preserves a backwater that shelters a classic 'feeling' area of the broads from interests that would 'develop' it and then possibly slap a star shaped luminous pink discount sticker on it - if it were a more frequently travelled area that is. Yes I know I'm a snob!
  14. I would say that us sailies cause less bank erosion for the BA to shell out on because our wake has less energy: Out of necessity sailing hulls are more efficient - compromises are not usually made to afford more space for jacuzzis, patio doors etc. This means less power is required to drive them so there is less energy in the wake at a given speed. This is before considering that the use of fossil fuels is optional and that while exercising the wind option they are typically moving slower than the speed limit applied to a boat under power (so less wake energy again). As covered above we also serve to reduce the wake of other boats!
  15. It goes both ways. Peter, the 3RR you skippered we were hit before the start and after the start. both times by stinkies who just decided the correct means of making progress through a river full of other boats was to gun the engines and hope for the best. In the second ones case he only just cleared us with the boat however the dingy broadsided us. On another occasion I have seen a saily take TWO penalty turns into a boat who had stopped twice to avoid him only moving forwards when the sailor had appeared to take a proper course.
  16. My last trip up there was very early in the morning and navigating across Hickling in the dark. Ghosting along looking at he night sky over the glass water and reeds was truly something very special. So I recommend Hickling broad at night. Horsey mere is also great and has good showers as well as a windmill! We did go aground on the way back out. I think we were all of 2" off the marked channel. We did take a cut outside the channel in the main broad without incident but I wouldn't recommend doing this unless you are very sure you can get off the putty independently. If you are motoring don't forget you don't have a quant pole where that sailor does...
  17. Hoping your day job and a pair quotation marks will protect you eh?
  18. Tha's nowt so queƩr as folk. Tha' has ta put a poncey accent on it.
  19. I think there are two types of kids; those that have been brought up in a risk free environment and those that you can let near a boat.
  20. There's no way they tracked me! I turned up at around 00:30 the night before to a sleeping Horning, unloaded the car, parked it elsewhere (where the birds made copious deposits on it) walked back and got on the boat. The only people who noticed me were the pub staff locking up. I'd have noticed a lurking hen party.
  21. While sailing in the race this weekend a hen party waved at us, I smiled and waved back. They were actually surprised that they had managed to get one of us to wave back! While I do personally find the waving thing along with saying hello to complete strangers in the street very odd (lived in London for years) I accept that it's part of the 'broads thing' and that it is basic courtesy to return it in kind.
  22. Attached is a chart of hull speeds mapped to mph. If you locate your waterline length on the bottom and scan up then green lines should roughly correspond to low wash and red ones to high wash. Hull speed is not an absolute limit as canoes surfboards dinghies etc regularly prove. It just means that you are moving into a planning mode (loads of boats can exceed their hull speed even sailing boats). HullSpeeds.pdf
  23. Warp

    Frack off

    Thanks for that bobdog Watched both videos and a UK specific one. My short term objection is that they are more or less guaranteed to screw up the water supply to some extent. Failure rates on new wells of this type in the US are over 8% and they get worse over time. They also create vast amounts of polluted water which will also create problems. The infrastructure on the surface seems to have higher capital costs than renewables for the same energy rate but limited to a few decades where the renewables would last much longer. Most of this gas will be burnt to generate electricity so renewables are a better option for everyone except the big power companies who have invested in gas turbines and oil companies who have invested in drilling. Unfortunately these companies also invest heavily in buying politicians. Put simply we could pay the same or less for something that will do the same job, using current proven technology, will last longer, create less pollution and cause less global warming but we are not because politicians have been paid to believe they are playing it 'safe' by doubling down fossil fuel. The consequential costs to fossil fuel are huge but no one seems to manage to get that past the hear no evil see no evil brigade. None of it has much if anything to do with the diesel you use in your boat or the petrol in your car which is pretty much spitting in the ocean compared to what the power companies have planned.
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