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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Ohh congratulations to the happy couple! I must try that pub next time we are in the area.
  2. Sorry I missed it, TH, I like your quizzes.
  3. Good idea Bob. Maybe have a stall at the May Gathering too?
  4. Thank you so much for reminding me of that!
  5. Yes I used Rondonay as my login on NBF until we sold her, if Mike says it was in 2012 then I believe him lol
  6. Yes £2k and looking much as she did.
  7. Gancanny thanks but I couldn't find Rondonay. How much was she on for? Poppy, thanks, just off to Screwfix. We will be in and out of EW next week, maybe see you?
  8. I have indeed seen Sedgemoor and it was summat to keep ye awake o’nights!
  9. Sorry? Wooden boat not lifted for 11 years? RUN!!!
  10. Actually, i think the problem here is that Hoseasons are ‘Virtue Signalling’ which is very annoying in my book. ‘Look at us, we are saying the right thing’ when actually implementing that policy with booking holidays would be unworkable, barring someone called Tommy Robinson turning up! They would be reduced to asking, as in the apocryphal US Immigration story ‘are you a terrorist?’ Well er ‘No’?
  11. Shock horror!!! I spy with my little eye, a boat with NO Reg number on bow as the Good Doctor(Honorary) expects all the little people to show.
  12. Navigators for me. We had to claim for a new mast following an incident when we were moored at St Benets, they paid up and sorted it really quickly.
  13. That is a factor of course. However I bet Poppy is wise to that risk with his canvas.
  14. Oulton Dyke? I say this because the RT saga is continuing there, otherwise I would have said Ant en route to Stalham.
  15. It’s like the recent loo roll ‘shortage’ Waitrose debunked that one by piling them high, cut price right at the entrance to the shop.
  16. Yes if you read the recent RNLI article, the lack of radios was a factor in the loss of life in that yachts couldn't be found despite the massive rescue operation.
  17. And you think it hasn’t?
  18. Yes the safety aspects of the Fastnet are beefy now. Everyone has to have epirb on life jackets; all boats had to have AIS and VHF, all things that were not compulsory in 79. Also you have to qualify with hours day and night and perform well in qualifying races. This year big winds were coming in after most of the field had finished, it was a couple of old Westerly type boats still out there. Eventually they motored in all but one that managed to sail ahed of the gale. Dave thinks they probably sent a helicopter out to advise them to quit.
  19. Yes, and the uv stable thread will even go through my machine, thicker though it is. It isn't all that expensive.
  20. A friend had a Hurley 22 it was indeed a capable boat. We fled for our lives inland, abandoning the tents, there were three of us ladies and five children under 10.
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