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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Polly

    My Day

    Arrival at The Pleasure Boat was a bit surreal. I had agreed a ‘hat code’ with Aristotle in place of the traditional rolled up copy of The Times. I would wear my red hat withNBN on it , he would have a grey hat on the table. Soooo I approached the total stranger with the grey hat on the table, who confirmed that yes his name was indeed Steve, but looked a bit nonplussed, as well he might have; because at that point the real Aristotle came in from the conservatory type bar, and all was made embarrassingly clear. We had a lovely evening thereafter with Kenmure’s owner, the real Steven, comparing notes on our very similar sailies. That night I checked the Martham Website again... Lydia with stronger engine and ....and a HEATER was available. So a swap was obviously our best plan, given that Jenny might also find very strong winds at Thurne Mouth a barrier to us making it to Salhouse for the Gathering. Coming soon....more really windy wind!
  2. Polly

    My Day

    So, having sorted a few post DIY jobs we returned to Martham to pick up Jenny. She is a sweet little no-frills saily and fine for Summer Sailing I think. BUT this isn’t a normal May, not this week it isn’t . i admit that I had a few qualms a couple of weeks ago and checked to see it I could upgrade to a boat with heating, but they looked to be fully booked. We moved into Jenny and waited for the gale to abate a bit. It didn’t and since we were due to meet Aristotle for something to eat at the Pleasure Boat, we set off into the teeth of the wind under the 1.5 hp Stuart Turner. At the end of Candle Dyke she met the full force of the weather and simply turned round of her own accord. It seemed wise to allow for that and we ended up back at Martham, moored up and drove to the pub.
  3. Roy and Diane, do come pay us a visit. We can swap Broadland Lady in for Boaters I think.
  4. I was disappointed in your ideas for Mr Orangutan , not really creative in the Timbo mode, but you were good on the dialogue for the Goons so are forgiven.
  5. Polly

    My Day

    Phill and I arrived at Martham at 8.45 to find it already a hive of activity around RT, and do it continued all day. ‘Hive’ is an apt expression as there was a constant buzz from sanders and saws the whole time. We set up camp kitchen. Lulu and I worked on bacon butties, and drinks, then elevensies of Cake and drinks, after that we did ham and cheese rolls and..... then cake and..... then rolls and I think you get the picture. Many thanks to Mike and Pat for providing the bacon, bread, ham, cheese, tea, coffee............ It was great working with Lulu, and making new friends with her and Selsie. I think there were 17 working today. Lots of skill and lots of elbow grease, not to mention a miasma of sawdust! Ali, JA’s niece gets my award for cheerfully sitting under that boat all day scraping filthy old tar off and never losing her smile. Lulu and I were ‘forced ‘ to make a swift trip to Latham’s ... as you do, and also went down to the riverside section of Martham’s operation to find a less ‘boatyard-y’ loo. The air was definitely fresher down there! Back at the Wet Shed we met up with old friends, Simon and Sonia, Roger and Sheila and enjoyed a great cuppa and chat with Roger and Sheila aboard Tradition. As Lulu says, we ended the evening at the Swan at Stalham, very nice too.
  6. There will be tentage to put up so offers gratefully received. Sorry you can’t make it Lionel
  7. Hooray! One week to go...... Here is a timetable for the event.....all timings are a bit flexible but this is how I think it should all fit together! Friday evening is very informal. We will be setting up tentage and stuff and there will be time to chat and get to know people. I am bringing name stickers so that we can easily see who is who, which should help break the ice. Please BBQ in the red and white stripy taped area so that we can mix.(all BBQ references assume we use own kit and provisions btw) Saturday am, those who are cruising in company can pootle off to Ranworth and then come back at 12.30 in all their glory. Do go for this it's fun. Malanka leads and you are asked to cruise in single file for the convenience of other river users. Saturday 2.00 pm RNLI talk at tent, line throwing, Lifejacket Checks if requested. 4.00pm Royal Wedding and Forum Birthdays Teatime. Bring cakes to share. And wear red white and blue if you feel inspired to do so. Quiz to follow led by Mike Pat is kindly running a bottle stall in aid of RNLI so please bring a bottle for that and spend on getting another one back! 7.00pm Richard and Sally (An Evening With Bob) are kindly providing music. and we can BBQ ongoing all up by the tent and BBQ Square Robin is providing lights and further music. Sunday 10.30 Presentation time! Followed by the return of the Virtual Treasure Hunt (by request from last year, and provided I get the clues finished!) Hope that all makes sense! The Warden has promised reserved moorings of course, and has a daily total according to what you booked. Fees will be collected by Salhouse Broad staff in the usual way. If you turn up 'on spec' (as happened for the birthday meet) that's absolutely fine but please use the public moorings rather than the reserved section and ask me for a name sticker. I plan to wear a hat with 'Polly' on it and we are aboard Jenny so should be easy to find.
  8. Polly

    My Day

    All the best to Mrs G for a rapid recovery from the shake up and the shock...oh and to recovering from the helpfully humorous comments of her partner in life!
  9. Polly

    My Day

    Oh congratulations!! What a beautiful baby! I had no idea how lovely grannying would be until our lovely grandson was born.
  10. Polly

    My Day

    Much of the day was spent in the shade, prepping Brilliant's bunk fronts for varnishing. Nice surroundings on the patio in newly landscaped back garden, were a good place to be. The big mystery of the missing knot that fell out from one front is now solved, the safe place I put this, as I now recall, is in the table drawer, on Brilliant, in Norfolk... So sticking it back in place will have to wait. Team Brilliant was complete by lunchtime so the first BBQ of the year was lit and a very nice burger, steak, salad and garlic bread was had with Dave(Warp) and Jess, further along the patio. Tomorrow is varnishing early am, with a plan to visit a craft fair and 'stately'ome' for lunch and afternoon.
  11. Bound to, Grendel. This is outside the house, although varnishing has benn known in the utility room
  12. Heat gun and scraper, ,I am busy stripping locker tops and internal doors and bunk fronts.
  13. Ahh bless! Happy Anniversary you two.
  14. My brother took a much sought after apprenticeship and became a master carpet weaver, well, that was a short career as technology changed and high speed tufted carpet manufacturing took over. Looking back, it's noteworthy how many of my friends who trained as teachers left the profession, I feel quite proud that I stuck it out and made a career, it was never a sinecure as I never ever worked in easy schools. Would I do it again? Probably not.
  15. Yes we saw them regularly across our mooring at Ranworth, I never noticed any flatulence.
  16. Er..., has nobody caught up with the Cambridge Analytica sourcing of data??? My type? Cynic! ?
  17. Ok I have now been provoked into looking it up! Broad Scot, and a farting camels back.......???? a. I was getting close! b. Our Latin teacher was too genteel to mention farting.
  18. Oh it's early! I have Scot and under/over??? Camel and to walk? But Iain had Scoot so I am guessing at that and suspecting a bit of cod Latin, or else it's beyond my O level level! Maybe a Scot scoot breaking the camel's back? Ohhhhh why did I explore the recesses of Timbo's mind at this time of day?
  19. We are now picking up Jenny on Monday instead of Tuesday, giving us a 'sorting out' gap between DIY and saily activity. I just hope it will be warmer!
  20. Early memories are of my dad, dancing around carrying me and singing 'Unchained Melody', still a favourite now. I had many a singalong with Grandad and Grandma, his favourites were 'Tipperary' and 'Mademoiselle from Armentieres' (Verse 1 only, which I wondered about at the time) Grandma's were music hall songs which I still love.
  21. Yes after some pretty nasty chest infections, I understand your anxiety, and also get jumpy about catching a cold. Being asthmatic, I have a peak flow meter to assess my breathing when I think it's worth bothering, which it mostly isn't., I keep an eye on that if I have a cold. If it dips, I use my steroids kept in reserve. You can get these gadgets from any pharmacy good for a bit of reassurance. ....And MM is right as far as he goes, however pneumonia would be a secondary infection and then antibiotics are used. I would assess breathing, action steroids immediately it dips as a first defence. I also bought a blood oxygen meter for use if I am really not well. It's again reassuring and also informative if talking to doctor by phone. Call your doctors anyway.
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