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Everything posted by Gracie

  1. Hi Marina Glad you had a lovely time and that the boat is all better. Not good having to come back from the Broads to go to work is it. Did you manage to fit much cruising in? Grace
  2. Never mess with Sailies Alan, as soon as I see one tacking when I'm at the helm I run a mile lol. Great write up as usual, when are you packing up and going to your mum's boat? Grace
  3. Talk about coincidences, that exact same thing happened to us on Clear Gem one year, although we had enough clearance it was getting very close to being almost dark and we moored at the pub out of desperation as we never normally moor at pubs for the night. I am not sure but is it the The Bell Inn? knowing me probably a completely different place all together lol I did wonder if syndicate boats could nav at night and not have the same rules as hirers. Tell Tan she is not alone for hiding in the cabin going under bridges Grace
  4. I have just been watching the Trip Boat on the cam, I've got to say it was magical seeing the rivers at night, do any of you private owners go on after dark cruises?. Obviously being hirers we have never navigated at night......come pretty close on a couple of occasions when we've left it a bit late trying to find a mooring though. Grace
  5. Well, it certainly won't annoy me, you and Dave are doing such a grand job, you deserve a break next week, did your mum and dad get away ok? Grace
  6. So very sad, my heart and prayers go out to the family involved Grace
  7. Hope all goes well for you Marina, don't worry about Alan, we will keep an eye on him lol Seriously, have a lovely time, hope the weather is good for you and let us know how it goes Grace
  8. Ha ha, best not get stuck up there then, if your mum's anything like me the boats more important than just someone she gave birth to once Only kidding, my boy's are the love of my life but boats come a close second lol and anyway if you were killed who else am I going to tease Grace
  9. Thank you all for the replies, I guess it really boils down to being sensible and not drinking too much, I do enjoy a glass of wine on a lovely sunny afternoon cruising along at a snails pace, slightly different to the booze cruisers. We once witnessed an all male hire boat hit the quay heading at Brundall at such speed there was one hell of a gash down the side of the boat, they were drinking and it was only nine thirty in the morning, how the guy standing in the front well (bath tub boat) with a can of lager in hand never went over board is a miracle, he did fall backwards and out of sight though, but how dangerous and fatal that could have been, not to mention the damage to the hire boat........hubby went over to see if all were ok and said they were so drunk he had to take the ropes to moor them up and then phoned the boat yard, we left soon after so don't know the outcome, just plain stupidity, that is the worst we have ever witnessed so hopefully these kind of incidents are few and far between Grace
  10. So it is officially illegal then? get where you are coming from regarding having your wits about you when mooring up, my son's normally have the ropes and step off when we come along side and they don't drink I promise Alan, of course it was Shandy, Mine's Ribena in a wine glass lol Grace
  11. Hi All While on holiday I will often have a glass of something nice when helming, is this now illegal and what would happen if I was pulled over by the River Police? I am talking just a glass or two and not getting raving drunk, we have always done this in the past, something was mentioned on another thread and it just got me wondering. Grace
  12. Hi Marina, we haven't booked anything yet due to work commitments but hoping for some time in October. You most definitely are a good old mum and dad, I wished my parents owned a boat on the Broads, I think Alan should buy you a nice bunch of flowers and some chocolates for that holiday lol Grace
  13. Hi Marina That is good news, so pleased for you, have a lovely weekend Grace
  14. Wow Alan, beautiful scenery, you don't look too bad either, you certainly scrub up well lol Grace
  15. Hi Alan Are you back home from Devon yet? I hope you had a lovely time, any more pics? We have never been but looking at the above photo you posted it's definitely on our to do list, even if only for a long weekend (can't stay away from the Broads for too long) We behaved ourselves, honest lol Grace Grace
  16. Spot on Jeff, her face would have been a picture I would think.I also teach my boy's to respect other peoples property, they have a bit of a moan on clean up day on holiday though bless em. Marina, good to know you trust Alan with cleaning up the boat, you wanna teach him to have a bath more often though lol, sorry Alan couldn't resist Grace
  17. Quite right too Admiral and an excellent idea, the boats would certainly come back sparkling clean I would think lol Grace
  18. Keith, just brilliant lol There was another mum I used to chat to at the school gates when picking our kids up after school and she was very heavily pregnant, I hadn't seen her for a couple of weeks and bumped into her at our kid's open evening, she was sitting on a chair outside the classroom and I said to her "you've not had that baby yet then" she replied yes and that she had given birth last week, she doesn't talk to me at the gates anymore. Mean't to add in my last post that I heard the woman mutter to her husband "why should I clean up that's part of what we pay Richardsons for" unbelievable really Grace
  19. Wow, sounds nice, you wanna play that Rickos fella at his own game and hire her out lol Grace
  20. I know I've said it before but she is going to look gorgeous when finished, have you thought about the colours for the interior, I think pink would be nice, I wanted pink fenders but strangely the men in my life said no lol Grace
  21. Ha ha, bread doesn't wriggle, when's the next video instalment? Iain, I've played crazy golf and it took me about two hours to finish the course, I best just give up on sport altogether and take up knitting lol Grace
  22. Mick, just got back from fishing that lake with Tench in, caught two roach, dropped a worm on my leg (was wearing shorts) never jumped up so quick in all my life, started to rain as we packed up and got soaked so have decided to take up golf instead lol Grace
  23. Yes I agree a disgusting attitude, we always treat our hire boats as if they were our own, we clean them from top to bottom on our last day even better than I do at home lol It reminds me of an incident a couple of years ago, we had just finished our holiday and were looking on Suncharm in view to hire her for the next year, there was another couple on board who I assumed were doing the same, I made a comment about how filthy the last people had left it and that I would never dream of doing such a thing, she then informed me that they were the last people to use it and were just checking they hadn't left anything, talk about foot in mouth syndrome lol Just can't understand this type of attitude that it doesn't belong to you so who cares Grace
  24. Quarterly bath a, do you find people back away from you when you're talking to them My girl friends reckon if you smell as good as you look, you shouldn't have any problems Sorry girls night in again lol Grace
  25. "it was my special Bday! and I don't work on that day!)" Hope you had a lovely birthday , did you do anything nice on your day off, had a bloody good rest I hope Grace
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