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Everything posted by andyg

  1. hi, i collect my 5th stamp next monday started back in oct 10 and as far as im aware we can use the discount for next years trip in april/may,
  2. hi dan, quite like the look of the corvette and think it will do well on the broads. to be honest like most of what p&h built and it was a real shame to see them go. will never hire one as i think all le boat boats are way over priced both on the broads and the thames. now you never no what clive may pop up with over the winter ah could see the corvette working well out of acle....
  3. got me thinking this one i remember my dad hirering from paul craft, astons (at loddon) alpha craft, when we younger and one of the first things we would do on the sunday morning (saturday take overs were the only choice back then ) would be cross breydon for the push up north to horning wroxham etc. i cant ever remember loads of boats being stuck up on the mud run aground, so whats changed ? the marker post are about the same dont remember them being any different, the approach to yarmouth is more our less the same ( apart from the new bridge) but dont see how that causes a problem ! so is it the chanel is shallower or is it todays hire craft users just dont pay attention to what they have been told and what is clearly pointed out in the boats manual. really dont understand this one. iv seen loads of post and pics posted on this and other forums re this subject. is it the owner of maffet craft that has a rescue boat moored on the southen side of breydon ? i know that richos list a price in their boat manuals for recovery if run aground of £130 wow that a lot of coppers to loose whilst on your hols.
  4. andyg


    hi lori, will be passing through norwich on the way to stalham on the 12th sept if thats the same day as you your more then welcome to a lift, as long as as you both dont do the same as my other half and take your whole wardrobe on hol, let me no if we can help though andy
  5. hi dan, forgot to ask any probs with ludham bridge ? does it have to be low tide etc. havnt been that way in years in anything higher then broads suncharm,
  6. wow jills right they are fantastic photos the detail on your second pic is brilliant. where did you take the photos ?
  7. hi clive your welcome, didnt realise it was going to be a 45ft single level boat. i must of got confused as i was sure you said is was going to be 36ft a few pic would be great fella, thanks for taking the time.
  8. andyg


    hi lozibear, no what you mean but isnt that a part of being on a boat (damp cloths) the showers at horning, potter (herbert wooods) richos and barnes are fine ive used them all. i really like the ones at ferry their really hot,(sorry johny) but you like what you like. if showering at horning treat it like a spar day and have a swim aswell and one of their nice coffes after!! it makes the cold walk back to the boat more enjoyable,!!! have a good trip
  9. thanks dan, jimbo really looking forward to our trip, first time for us hireing a sedan type boat. we like the barth tub boats or should i say ann does . iv had my day out on broadsman with my boys and was blown away with her. really didnt expect that from a richo boat, no insult ment. only wished the wife was with me she would of loved it. thanks for pics will post back my findings
  10. hi clive, any chance of some pics of the single level boats progress, really looking forward to this one as we love this type of boat. (each to their own and that) had a day on broadsmen with my sons and their wifes loved it.. its a big statement to make but shes by far the best broads hire boat iv ever been on and a real credit to you, your family and the investment you have put into to this design well done . thanks andy
  11. well after much changing of my mind and quite a few funny looks from the wife, i finally booked meldoy from richos for our september trip. never hired this type of boat before so if anyone has hired this boat has any pic to share id much appreciate. thanks andy
  12. hi guys. their was a guy who hired a bourne design like richos royal gem from the boat shed next to the slipway at the hotel, the boat was dark green but i cant remember her name or the owners. id love to see any old photos of oulton broad back in its hay day, top craft have or did have a great photo hanging in their office of one of newsons boats crossing the broad and it looks more like the north sea it was crossing. one of my other memories of oulton broad is oulton pearl what a horrible boat that was and another was trumans top deck allways wanted dad to hire her but he wouldnt, look forward to seeing any photos andy
  13. Hi clive dose that mean ur be looking at them, we have hired one before and found them very comfy, they were based the wrong side of yarmouth for us, now if they were lets say based at acle or stalham we would hire one again, wink wink
  14. 40k ah, that seems like a lot of boat for the money, not everyones cup of tea i guess but im sure they will sell.
  15. hi bill, not sure if you will pop in from time to time to have a peep, but if you do please forward me an email address and il let you no how we get on with the 240v lead. truley sorry you feel that its time to leave but take care. il see you at our next bnp meeting
  16. theirs is no doubt in my mind that this thread should have never been allowed to go this far. does bill hold racisit and homophobic veiws ? no not at all, did he post a few ill thought out comments yes he did in my opinion. why was this thread allowed ? what does the subject matter have to do with the broads etc,etc. i found the fact that dan felt the need to post his comments re bills postings in public very distastefull and should of been done behind closed doors as it came across to me like a public and open put down of bill. i really do hope this thread is looked of now as it has gone to far. their are many other forums out their where these veiws can be aired.
  17. hi guys, was told today that topcraft will be closing its doors as a broads hire yard at the end of this season, really bad news for the southen based hire fleets. we have hired boats from them in the past (the floating caravans) and allways found the service and welcome first class. dont no what the reasons are for closing but guess its the same as whisspering reeds (cant make it pay) i wonder what will happen to the top liner classes what yard if any will add them to their fleets ? any thoughts on them clive ?? we were also told that sanderson may shut up shop aswell not surprised with that one as the fleet is looking very old now, never hired from them but allways seemed nice guys when we would stop for water/pump out. lets hope that paciffic at loddon pick up some of their customers as they seem to have improved their fleet over the last couple of years.
  18. hi andy. weve had suncharm no2 a few time now and she is a really nice boat. iv found her to be quite heavy on fuel spoke to the guys at richos and they asured me its the nanni engine she is fitted with and the heating system. they have made some changes to the heating system for this season so no more instant hot water (no real prob tho) just stick to the 1200 rpm sit back and watch the world go by. we got her under potter bridge and took sarha royalls advice and went up to horsey to see the seals on the beach great day out, nice walk aswell. have a great trip andy
  19. hi jeff, we were moored next to president in may and got chatting to the couple that were on board for that week ( thats a lot of boat for a couple ) its very well fitted out like dan says, the rear cabin has a whirlpool bath large bed flat screen tv etc, asked the guy about the hot water for the bath because when iv had boats with baths fitted thr hot water never seems to fill it to the required level, well for me anyways. but no probs their the system they have used on the boat seemed to work fine it also runs a radiator in the saloon which is a good size living area. didnt like the front cabin tho the beds seem very high and cramped. the seating area on top of the boat is great we sat their and had a coffe with them, overall a very smart and very well fitted out boat imho.
  20. hi clive, am i right in thinking you use to have an old wooden boat called clarion ? and is it the case that once you (or any yard/private owner) register that name on the broads you own the rights to that name, and do you have to pay a fee to own the name, id love to see some of the old names come back into fleets, astral gem looks great very tempting
  21. hi clive, thats FANTASTIC !!! im i big fan of broads suncharm its a loverly boat fitted out well and solid but broadsman just takes it to another level, never expected that , love the teak floor and the upholstery. theirs no doubt thats a winner. you should be proud of your vision clive and having the courage to follow it through, you clearly have a team of skilled guys up at stalham. has the work started on the single level version yet?
  22. hi, dan do you mean challenger is about the same size as miss sheridan ? iv never really looked at the challenger boats miles to big for me. clive must have some video or pic of big foot working,
  23. hi bill think that one may have been to wide and a tad to heavey, but I could be wrong, just look at the over hand on broadsman the boat you mentioned is longer I think,
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