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Everything posted by andyg

  1. thought as much clive!! she looks the dogs .... clive, another good job done by rickos. poor old prisma will be feeling threatened.. hope she does well for you guys.
  2. thanks clive, just one question for you? will you b sailing her down to acle or will she be going by road, thinking bout ludham bridge.
  3. hi clive, well that clears that one up then looked at broadlander on hoseason web site over the weekend for sept this year and she appeared to be fuuly booked all season. will she be in the fleet for 2013 ? on personal level would rather broadlander had been built then far horizon that just me being selfish. really glad to see another rc45 being built, guess this goes to prove what everone has said she a fantastic design. clive keep us posted on the broadlander progress ( well all us bath tub fans ). andy
  4. hi clive, glad to see ur making good progress with this one. hows the bookings going ? im assuming ur aiming this one at the private market ?. guess u need a 26 hr day wiv all these new boats ?? good luck.
  5. hi, martin richos allready hire prisma from their acle yard and she has the same restrictions as the new boat. prisma seems to hire very well so guess theirs a place for a new version. I think clive mentioned somewhere that far horizon will be used as a show boat for private owners asswell. two birds one stone, I no its only a drawing clive but does look smart.good luck with here
  6. hi guys, as u have said jonzo how many customers will be tempted away to the yards with new boats on offer. both royalls and summercraft have fantastic reputations for their hire fleets and rightly so, but they dont seem to keep up with other yards such as silverline and swancraft in terms of new builds and who have the same size fleets. royall satin was the last new build i think which is a fantastic boat, royall oak was the last addition to their fleet and with the upgrades they made to here she has proved to be a huge hit with the customers. would royalls be able to build one of alphas duel steers would it fit into their shed hight wise ? maybe they dont like the duel steer concept i know they are very traditional yard. but lets hope they replace continental.poped into the yard on our last trip in sept and we tried to book royall oak for next april spoke to nigel, and she was heavily booked back then and we couldnt get the week we wanted so maybe oak no2 is on its way.
  7. well their you go i learn something new everyday on this forum, lori iv walked up them stairs on to the high st many times, i love walking along the river through the town. the outlaws live just up the road near raf scampton. never knew it was called the glory hole.
  8. im a big fan of fair craft and fair prince looks great for two, but cant help thinking thats a waste of such a big boat for two. as with every thing they do im sure she will be fitted to a very high standard.
  9. another alpha that has been taken out of the hire fleets is royalls, continental not sure why they have sold her as she seemed to let very well. maybe there will be a new royall afloat for next year.. anyone herd anything
  10. hi clive and thanks for taking the time to add the photos. i didnt realise you guys would have to make so many changes to the old plug, i just assumed you would have to cut a chunk of the bow to create the forward well and canopy sections and fill in the centre cockpit. but it seem all that is left of the plug is bout 15ft of the strern section and the deck ring is that about right ? have you decided on the berths on the first boat yet ?
  11. just booked 16 return flights to barcelona in april next year with easeyjet from london southend ( its no where near london ) god bless eddie stobart. its a ten min drive from my front door, great flight times and no agro with the M25. well worth any premium they want to add. back your local airport thats what i say.. more jobs for the locals !!!! if you count beeing easten european of north affrican as local!!!! our goverment do
  12. hi andy, im so sorry to hear that. I no how much u were looking forward to your trip. im glad you liked the boat shes great weve booked again for next may. the advice about the southen broads is spot on fella, I no how you feel I had the same probs last may and was addiment I wouldnt return. The other other half and a few members talked me out of it and we returned a few weeks ago and had a great time. May be a case of the wrong place wrong time. I no that dosnt help you and the way you feel, but try again mate its better then any costa iv ever been too...take care.
  13. herbert woods had ferry marinas amethyst in their shed the other week working on her, so not sure if ferry have sold her on or woods were just repairing some damage. smashing looking boat i think im right in saying she was totally re fitted for this season.
  14. hi clive, thiers some great pics their fella but i have to agree with smellyloo on this one. the shed at horning dosent in my opinion look out of place nor does the heron either. im a big fan of what len and james have done with their horning and waveny sites. i think id rather be looking at ferries shed then i would say.. looking at may crafts junk yard at potter..
  15. i think this thread should be moved to the hidden cost thread. their is no way on this planet that hire yards are paying theese prices for red diesel. you can buy red diesel from your local garage cheaper... i saw it today at cowfold w/ suseex at 94p per ltr. i have four 45ft fridge box trailers that i run off red diesel and i can assure u i pay no where near 1.35 a ltr inc vat. so whows kidding who. its a real bug bear for me when as a hire boat user i have to pay my fuel bill. i challange any hire fleet operater to prove me wrong.. the bigger the yard the cheaper it gets...
  16. clive theirs some great pics their fella. love the photo taken on the 18th looking downstream of the ferry, picture postcard stuff. you should take a look at my fb page your see some bad photos their. i wish i had your talent.
  17. hi clive, hope so broadsman wont be cheap had a good year with you guys keep up the good work..
  18. i thought id post back on our trip on melody last week. we travelled up to stalham from essex on a very windy monday morning and must admit to being worried we wouldnt be allowed to leave the yard due to the strong winds, arrived at the yard to be told it would be ok for us to leave and melody was ready for us ( great news thats two hours early) so a quick trip over to tescos ( to buy even more of their coffee mugs we have quite a collection as we seem to forget to bring the ones weve brought on previous trips ) then back to the boat and away we go.the trip across barton and on up the ant to ludham was a challange to say the least the winds were some of the strongest iv ever experienced on the broads. on reaching ludham bridge ann (my other half) ran for cover as she was worried about going through the bridge with such strong winds, no problem with the bridge straight through and off to ranworth to try and find some cover from the wind, arrived at ranworth and got tucked away in the middle of the quayside. melody does handle very well for a boat thats seems to be fairly high out of the water. quite a bumpy night on the quay side dont think anyone got a great nights sleep. woke up tues morn to a very bright but still fairly windy morning, the wind has changed our plans and we would now make for wroxham and roys, leaving the quayside and crossing the broad in glorious sunshine was great and everything is good in our world, reaching horning and it becomes clear to us that the river is busy this morning with everyone heading up river to wroxham in the sunshine by the time we reach wroxham were in quite a proccession of boats and we all seem to heading for faircrafts basin, i wont mentioned what happened at the bridge as iv already posted it on another thread. moored in faircrafts basin and had a lovely walk round the village and roys then back to the boat and back down river for an overnight stop at horning. we moored at ferrys boat yard for the night and walked down to the new inn for a meal. we love the walk down lower street and im alway envious of the villagers and the location they live in. great meal in the pub and a rather dark walk back to the boat and bed. wednesday morn arrives and were bleast again with sunshine ann goes for a shower over the leisure center and i look round some of ferrys new boats, very nice indeed (but with a nice hire tarrif to go with it) then its off down to potter and lathams ( dont get the lathams thing is just a QD now ) but keeps her happy we decide to stop of at thurne dyke for our breakfast in the sunshine and then walk it off with a trip upto the gift shop another first for us we didnt even no it was there, had a lovely chat with the owner, brought the grand daughter a few bits then back to the boat and off to potter. herbert woods seemed to have a fair few boats in un like richos who seemed to have the enitre fleet out. got an ice cream and sat at the bridge and watched the world go by. moved the boat back down river to the moorigs just past maycraft for the night,what a perfect location this turned out to be. thurs arrived and yet again another sunny morn we wanted to visit st bennetts today and have a walk on the marshes so after a trip round south walsham we moored up by the abbey and had a good look around and a nice walk then back to the boat for the short trip to ludham and a night at the dog inn. sadly we didnt eat in the dog thurs night due to the fact most of what we wanted or liked was of the menu about ten items this was a real shame after reading so many good things about the pub, so a quick cab ride back to horning and the ferry inn for our last meal, and very nice it was too.(thanks to keith our cab drive ) who turned out again to take us back to our boat. a great few days on the rivers again with great service from richos the boat was fine and good vaule it was also good to see the yard busy this late in the season aswell
  19. got my 5th stamp last monday week and used it to book suncharm for next may. totall cost for a week next may £440 inc the higher fuel depoist and damage waiver happy days
  20. hi lori glad you guys sorted out the taxi to the yard. we were moored next to your boat last week on melody and i must say i preferred san remos paint job to ours, that said their a great boat for two and we enjoyed her. didnt like the shower as i kept banging my head on the roof im only 5ft 10. hope the weather stays good for you guys. andy
  21. hi bill good to hear from you again, could you imageine hire hovercraft !!! poor old clive would never be of here
  22. we saw a seal swim past us at reedham back in may whilst talking to the ranger and again the following morning. the ranger told us its quite common now as the seals make their way up to the eel nets up by the mouth of the chet. must say it was one of our high lights of many a year afloat on the broads.
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