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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Please take a ton of pics griff and publish for us Have a good trip.. very jealous..
  2. Can you do me a favour? give them an early morning call lol!
  3. I've just heard my parents are currently on the northern rivers.. possibility heading up the river ant... be careful if you approaching on a narrow section of the river and give them plenty of space.. good luck everyone... (I did read on the other forum.. that a flybridge cruiser was stopped by the boys in blue for speeding... not sure it was them.. although the boat does go a tad quicker after getting it's new prop so possibility!)...
  4. Thanks Grace.. I was a bit worried about this room but its come out well.. that is a seriously nice loo though.. press a button instead of hand pumping! My personal head is better today thanks
  5. So yesterday... we went to the jumble.. it wasn't brilliant but we thought as we had today off work we would have a morning off... we went into sunny southend and had some grub.. and then onto lovely Leigh on sea for a wonder round (leigh is very east coast) On the way home we stopped off the discount chandlery and got some paint for the sterndrive and an ariel and some other bits.. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling brilliant so pretty much went to sleep early (had a migraine ) dave went over to the boat though and did some bits in the bathroom... So sorry no pictures yesterday. Today we was meant to be moving the boat to a new spot in the club as they need to do some groundworks but it didnt happen but its kinda pencilied in for next weekend...Dave battled on with the bathroom.. so sinks in, taps on, sink plug was a right nightmare (the chrome one didnt fit and in the end we made things fit (took him a long time though).. loos in place, mirror and lighting is all in.. showers on the wall.. it stuck out a bit though so its hidden right in the corner.. and we aren't far off my deadline of today to finish it.. plumbing just needs to go on for the shower.. (shower tray board will want until I decide what grate I want - or find one).. and loo just needs its plumbing connected which can be done whenever... Looking good though.. Oh what did I do today... epoxy filled and sanded the sterndrive.. all bloody day.. (It needs a final sand and then can be painted.. thankfully its come up ok (Pictures when its finished and looks shiny (unless dave takes some!)...
  6. Good luck to him... we spoke to him at horning, although there was more of a crowd around his hand made propellers.. he should sell them! although if the workmanship of them is anything to go by the boats will be top notch!
  7. A good day today.. Started nice and early and the rain quickly vanished leaving blue skies! Dave started off by trying to get the bathroom sink on but noticed he left the screws in wickes.. (Plank)... He then went on to putting a bead of silicon around the bathroom edges and did a good job it looks good. Next he went onto to expoxing the back of the oak panels for the bulkheads as last weeks coat wasn't brilliant.. he mixed it really strong and it quickly went off.. Next onto celotex insulation the main bulkhead and finally installed most of these panel (looks posh!) .. I put the privacy film on the bathroom window.. three times.. It was annoying me.. a lot! and I told it about it lol... Finally managed it though (have to really wet the glass.. and I did lol!)... looks good though. In the week dave installed the thru hull transducer tube for the nasa clipper depth gauge.. (It's just a plastic tube body filled to the inside of the hull.. but I just quickly added the oil to it and installed the transducer .. so thats one time consuming job done (although it only took an hour all together)... I then spent the rest of the day sanding and filling the sterndrive to prep it for repainting (it was a bit pitted but it's been saved using strong epoxy filler)... We had a couple of visitors from other yacht club members and they all seem very impressed along with the usual comments of we are in the wrong job and should be doing this ... If only Tomorrow, trip to essex boat jumble.. hopefully we wont spend too much and don't need a lot but we have monday off from work so be nice to have a morning off from the boat too... Pictures tomorrow..
  8. Stunning pics Iain.. I have a work colleague who is currently sailing around the UK. She was meant to do this in three years but got stuck in troon for the last 2 seasons.. now I can see why Scotland is very pretty, far too pretty to keep to yourselves
  9. Whoops.. an expensive round in the pub (and a free river trip for those in the pub).. and/or a flooded bilge coming up..
  10. Sorry MM.. just worked out your post! As above though.. I think you really need road access (and get the mill to open more).. We do drive miles to go to the locks in because its a good pub (albiet nothing there), we've even driven up one day just to go there (sad I know)! How about getting a boat trip to stop there too (Betsy Jane??). I think it needs to be always open during the summer months too and food needs to be available.. and we need a NBN discount of course We will certainly stop for some grub and a few pints if you take it over!! Good luck!
  11. Surely the main problem with this is that you can't get there by road (can you now?).. As a mooring I don't think it really offers anything, considering reedham and burgh castle make better alternatives...plus the sad reduction of "holiday makers" staying south means that as a riverside access only pub means it has no hope...Personally we wont stop there overnight and never have, 15 years ago when we first hired we were told not to stop there because the yard wouldn't cover us if anything went wrong. But if I can drive there and it was a nice pub then we probably would stop off when driving about up there (and if they opened the mill once a while!). Good luck though berney
  12. Hello, I'm not confident at all that this is reedham, given all pictures, and the angle of the original picture I'm sure you see the hill at reedham there...i.e there appears be more than one span of the bridge in the original picture whereas the other pictures it appears theres only a couple before the hill would be visible. I have a feeling (and nothing more!) that this is Aldeby although I clearly don't know.. perhaps its not the broads ? could it be the fens? or even medway? I've ran this picture through google (it's a really neat trick, you may know already - right click the image and select "Search google for this image".. it searches the internet for simular pictures.. I was thinking someone else may have the picture) but nothing found Good luck with your search though and an interested thread (and a brilliant website in your link
  13. Lol... I love that mouse smiley.. so fitting! By chat she means how to access the forum on an iphone...I guess (I don't use apples) you just go to the forum like normal (So open safari and type http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/.. my phone uses a mobile version of the app and works well you will need to login though... Have fun! :
  14. This is a public warning. My parents are due in norfolk from this coming Friday 29th August for 14 days. The boat is called "Sweet Kingfisher" and will probably be seen zigzaging down the river (even worse if mothers at the helm). Thankfully the boat is an old French Crown cruisers cruiser so has fendering all over so if it comes in contact with another boat, then it should bounce off (no we've not tried). If you see this boat please give a gentle wave because they probably haven't mastered driving with a foot and waving at the same time! Can you also post on this forum if you do see them as so I can inform the coast guard as and when... Good luck everyone in Norfolk... (Have fun folks.. as I say to Dave.. keep it between the banks, don't hit any other boat and go under the bridges!)
  15. Thanks Doug... Sorry, but no, this one is costing enough in both money and time! as much as we would love to have a woody it's just no!.. Thanks.. Please.. Our last boat was a ply top boat and she used to keep me up at nights..shaking.. and when i got to sleep I had frequent nightmares about rotting timber!! Thankfully I can now sleep at night and I don't fear the rain.. as I know this one isn't going to need more expensive repairs after a downpour! (when the wheelhouse on this one is self draining!! But well done for taking her on again yourself! Seriously and i'm sure as you know the reward you will get when shes all finished will be all worth it! (whereas no will notice the amount of work we have done!!)
  16. Geez what a wet end to a bank holiday weekend (nothing unusual!).. We had a good weekend really looking back! and this little blog helps look back and see what we've done as it's too easy to get used to the changes.. It was really good to have another pair of hands too and we made good use of her Plus considering we did plan to go to norfolk this weekend! So here goes.. The showerrom/loo is now all covered and trimed .. it was hard work but its worked out well I think.. it just needs a bead of silicon on the edges to finish it off and then all the bits can go in that room.. We have the loo, sink, tap, mirror, lighting (Showers on order too) so its all here ready to go in... we will put the door on last.. Unfortunately the epoxy on the back of the boards still hadnt set so the bulkheads are just resting in place.. if it doesn't set in the week we will have to wipe off and put a stronger mix on.. not idea weather for epoxy though. Dave also started installing the heater.. I'm not sure how far he got apart from the sight of ducting and vents.. She's coming together though.. I've got a little plan in my head... End of august .. Showerroom finished. End of September.. All Bulkheads up and all finishing completed. End of October.. Kitchen In.. End of November.. Wheelhouse completed.. and headlining up.. End of December.. All running gear completed.. BSS exam and survey.. End of January ... Norfolk.. Lets see how this goes.. considering the slow pace of certain jobs.. I really don't expect to stick to this.. I'm thinking it will be nearer to easter than January (at best) but I think we need a slight push like this as its far too easy to get stuck with too much detail.. I certainly don't want to be stuck on this next year.. Few pictures included..
  17. Long day today.. but not much to show for it! Dave and his mum epoxied the bulkhead walls annoyingly the epoxy (use are using some cheap stuff from East Coast Fibreglass for the first time and its slow curing They also started on the half size wardrobe opposite the loo. I finished wallpaper the loo (It's my new nickname) and trimming the excess off.. It will need a couple more days on it to get it perfect but it will get there. Hopefully the epoxy will get set tomorrow so I can get some pictures of the walls.
  18. So instead of waking up in sunny norfolk, we woke up at 8 to get down to toolstation to collect parts... Annoyingly toolstation didnt have the shower we went for so it was a bit of a wasted trip. It's on order for wednesday.. Next stop the chandlery.. I brought the depth gauge instrument thing.. so that can go in at some point. Final stop with the timber merchants (It's a very olde worlde place.. right out a dickens film (I'll get some pics of it one day!).. we collected the first 3 oak face ply boards and had a look around the oak "off cut" shed.. (£5 for any peice under 2.5 metres.. so we brought £30 worth! (I'm like a kid in a sweet shop). Back to the boat for 11am (whoops).. Now annoyingly these boards are a 10th of the price for a reason.. they are unfinished... so we had to quickly but carefully cut to size (These are being used for the final bulkhead finish).. then varnished before being installed! Thankfully we have daves mum down this week and she likes varnishing! Just before the rain came we got most of the boards cut (the final one went inside.. just) and Dave's mum did a brilliant job at varnishing most of the cut boards 3 times! I didn't manage to get any pictures though as we was working quickly to miss the rain! So tomorrow.. we just finish varnishing these boards and before they are installed we will epoxy the backs (As per the timber merchants suggestion (the backing isn't wbp so it has to be done) and install a few.. (we will need probably another 5 or 6 boards to finish off but we made a good dent in it!)... I'll also take some pictures.. she looks very different already
  19. Lol Alan.. My Dads side are from scotland, close enough Quick update (sorry all.. I know this is probably a bit dull) but I want to publish these pictures as the next lot will probably show this finished.. I wasn't quite sure how to butt the joins up and learnt the hard way (I saved it).. basically don't glue the an inch up to the edge... (lesson learnt.. it still looks ok.. one place its a mm out lol) I'm stressing a bit how to cut the very last edge but it will ok... we need to silicon the edges anyway...
  20. Hi Paul, Thanks! This boat project makes me tight lol!! As for the folks geez I'm sure you know what they are like lol! Thanks for the cooker tip! Will certainly take a look
  21. Brilliant Pictures John! Regretting the decision not to come up this weekend now!
  22. No chance dad... way too overpriced for us!
  23. We stopped there last time... plenty of room Just be careful turning round before the bridge.. Jon at wayford bridge mentions on the other forum if the moorings are full pop in to his yard (The bigger one) and he will put you up in the there... pub was good.. bit funky though... (mooring by the bridge surprisingly wasn't too noisy) ..
  24. Glad to help Doug. I only found them a few months back.. I used toomer and hayter before (similar company) but always found their customer service to be a bit abrupt and I don't like that when I'm spending the amounts of money we spend! Hawke house do everything including canopy material and cushions... (they quoted £650 for our double, single and dinette.. including foam which sounds fair..)... worth studing thier website for a bit... (P.S I found sidelining carpet cheaper here though - http://www.martrim.co.uk/catalogue/ribbed-lining-carpet.html)..
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