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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Ignore him Gracie(s).. the little voices keep us sane lol
  2. Lol sorry Iain.. had to use someone.. I can't message myself.. Probably wise as I talk to myself far too much
  3. No sorry Eric we do not want snow in April.. it's going to be at least 15dc by April please . This is the UK.. a single snowflake and the country goes into meltdown.. (plus your plane won't be able to land here.. wrong type of snow and all)...take the girls to the ski slope in Dubai
  4. No Mark, it's better down south.. it doesn't freeze up.. closer to the equator see.. (Can't believe we are moving north for next season )
  5. No Idea I'm not good with churches though...
  6. (Andy if you are looking for staff Just need a mooring lol (and pay obviously lol) )
  7. Hi Laura, I too like webcams, they provide a good weather forecasting tool as well as general interest. I also believe they can generate a lot of web traffic through your website which you can use to market your company so in terms of return for your company it should be well worth the expense.
  8. Hi Ray, I think so yes..No offence intended by pointing out though.. I've noticed a couple of people coming unstuck like this though. Lovely looking "proper" norfolk boats there though Ray Hope this helps
  9. Good morning all, I'd though I'd just explain how to send a PM to another member. This new software has an "activity" feature which isn't private so I thought best to quickly show how to send a PM. - Go to the member profile. Quickest way to do that is to find a recent post and click on their picture - Click the message button (See screenshot). Your message is now private. PRIVATE (This forum software has a new "Activity" section on a members profile (See second screenshot) and there's a box there to post a message on their activity wall (Not quite sure why you want to do this) but you can and this maybe visible to all members). Public
  10. Jon have you got a catalogue? I'm the hunt for a few things from engines to windscreen wipers.
  11. Steve, Sorry Mate, Not saying anything I've not said already... As you know at present poor ladyP is only worth the second hand value of the consistent parts as a hull is worth close to nothing. The majority of the value of a motor boat is in the motor as that's the largest most valuable part, so sadly as LadyP's engine is in bits the next value is really the saildrive.. Secondhand that's probably like £500.. There will be a small value in other bits but as you know Orca was purchased for £1. Sadly owning a boat isn't something which you can really apply any logic of value or money making (can't think of the term at this hour). So sadly as you've got money in you need to now spend your way out. We lost money on our two earlier boats... it's a bit like a pet.. you get un-calculable amount of pleasure back but it makes no since in terms of cost value.. I believe though if you spend wisely you will get most of our money back when you come to sell (The boat not the cat). My advice (as always) is if you want to keep it you spend your money wisely and on the best thing for long term benefit v lower cost of maintenance. That's why we suggested reengining with new/as new which is just what we did with Orca. Although this is expensive it should restore your faith in the boat and reduce any expenditure over the long term, thus giving you years and years of pleasure (Yeah alternatives to new are a good reconditioned MD2 or a good secondhand one (The one up north is probably good... keep trying... paypal or agree to pay on collection by the lorry) If you plan now is to sell her then yes you need to keep the cost down but considering the current resale value of the boat is so low at present you will still really need to/should put an engine in which is going to run. I wouldn't go for an outboard conversion if it was mine, my reasons being (and I know I'm probably wrong here) I like to keep things as originally intended as I believe there's more value in original (I.e when this boat was sold I bet the inboard was more expensive to buy than the outboard and as such that extra value has stayed with the boat so undoing that devalues the boat (and moreso than an original outboard as it's clear it's not original).. I know this isn't an expensive boat but that's the logic I apply. The blocks are individual (http://www.marinepartseurope.com/PentaPictures500/7150.jpg) with very small water jackets going between the cylinder liners on the corner (a very very weak and somewhat stupid design) , they have cracked all the way down this jacket on both the outside and the inner (liner) side. So effectivly they have opened up like a "C" shape now so to weld them they would need to be clamped together and welded inside (where the liner is) and then machined out so the liner can go back in.. plus the crack is visible on the top (and that can't be machined down really because there's recessed for seals etc) so it's a guess if the gasket would reseal we guess it would though. So although Dave has welded blocks before this isn't something he can really do and it's a no easy job for a professional.. It would be easier and more cost effective to find replacement blocks (but this apparently most blocks of this age have this now and trying to find good blocks has been tough! (We did find them but they are the same price as a full engine). (If you know someone that can do this tough JA I'm sure Steve would bite your arm off to know). It's a hard call and I can see why Steve is pulling his hair out.. If it was mine and I wanted to keep it and money wasn't a huge considerationI'd put a new engine in.. If money was a slight consideration I'd put a reconditioned VP in.. If money was a big consideration, I'd weld the blocks up and throw it back together it's going to run no worse than it did before
  12. Poor fish http://www.broadsnationalpike.com/2015/11/something-fishy-at-thorpe-island.html (P.s I love this blog!! whoever you are keep the fight ).
  13. Oh I've got confused with woodbridge haven't I.. Which is still north of that boarder...
  14. That sounds good charlie.. we only found brighlingsea a few weeks back.. Loved the spot.. and the the adnams shop got me... grrr
  15. I remember earls court and I remember it when even as a hirer there were things to see and buy.. Now there's nothing to see and do really unless you are a clueless city banker looking to impress ones buddies. Most boats are either "visit by appointment" (i.e Go away) or you are escorted by a sales rep who you just want to knock out (and always seems like they are from upper management and very little idea about boating themselves .. Ok I know talk to anyone and have a good chat with a few but most are annoying!). I therefore find it the most infuriating thing on earth and can't stand it! It so needs to get back to it's roots. It lost it for me when the inland waterways section went.. and the shops kinda went. I guess though it shows how boating is changing and is sadly become something more for the wealthy and not for us.. Sad We went Southampton many years ago and it's certainly more of a coastal feel.. More yachty too.. had a good atmosphere but still the same "go away" signs and annoying "salesmen" not many shops and impulse items to buy. Some friends went last year though and they said it still have a good atmosphere and there was tons of boats to look around though so maybe next year we will venture down there and take a look. Personally I think horning boat show offers more for me and a more a village fate feel is nicer..I wouldn't be surprised if this format is better the sellers to and more boats will sell. (We also somehow ended at a Inland waterway show one year.. can't quite work out how, I think we was just passing!?! although it was very narrow boaty (strange things) I'm sure we had a full day there and spent a bit.. so that's worth a look).
  16. Andy... don't be a chicken Must admit I like the lion.. it's an tradition unspoilt feel.. I got an email from white horse at loddon they are doing music too.. Certain seems there's lots of ideas.. I dont think we would venture over Breydon though.
  17. Lol thanks guys..trust me you don't want to know the story.. it really was a real life shark attack.. In the words of the film you wont want to go back in (or out) of the water ever again!! I also don't want to unduly ruin people reputations so believe it or not I'm being bloody nice by not saying anything! (just incase they are watching this). I will try and put some advice up of what I've learnt when the times right but I need to get the boat sorted first and then just I need to check with my lawyers again with how much I can say without getting told off! (and again without trying to do people any undue harm).
  18. No and for legal reasons I can't explain online (and although I can get transport up from the elsewhere a local company would be cheaper). Jon.. I'll you you again in a bit. I can't do today (probably 3 - 4 weeks time) as we still have the repairers onsite.
  19. Hi Jon, I'll try you again today.. You returned my call yesterday but I somehow missed you. Problem being we don't have a crane this side, I'll explain on the phone when I reach you..
  20. JA at any point was you worried your humans would put in a nice bit of plastic or glass in there? (now there's an idea?! - Probably not brilliant in the brown waters of the broads though). (Hat's off as usual to your humans.. that's some scary project.... The new one looks ok )
  21. I'll try to get hold of GMR again.. I like the way they have supports built into the trucks and clearly have experience. Chris, Orca's a typical 28 foot cruiser (bit like an Elysian) but with a hard top so certainly needs the cradle (spreader bars).. most haulers have these anyway and we wouldn't use anyone that hasn't. Jon I've found your mobile I'll give you a call a bit later too.
  22. I can never get hold of you Jon!!.. Have you got a a mobile? (it's the putting it in the water bit that's the issue! need a hiab this side.. so whilst I'm doing that I may aswell be a bit a bit lazy!) JA what happened to your rear end ?! gulp.. Tell your humans if you was plastic you would be done now )
  23. Oh wow thanks Howard... it certainly looks so different! Can't wait to be out and about.. just hope it's not too cold as so we get ice problems.. feel free and do please post more pictures if you find any!
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