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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Lovely pics.. Thanks for sharing! One day I;d love to have a proper timber boat. Not sure we ever will though! I'll never be rich enough to maintain it!
  2. JawsOrca


    There's no need to gloat grace I've never been over in a storm it's always a bloody millpond when we go.. Grrr lol
  3. Me too JM.. Would like to hear what happened..
  4. JawsOrca


    (I got "neaped" one day on our scrubbing dock.. Although I kinda did it on purpose because I couldn't be bothered to take it back to its deep water mooring...had to sit there for two weeks! Same thing can and does happen on the broads (Note somerleyton hireboat). So it's far better to go over Breydon at low water (at least you can only go up!)...
  5. Brilliant Robin.. If anyone wonders why I have my own boat and my parents have their own on the same river system.. Watch this.. we are worst than brother and sister on the same boat lol...
  6. (Hi Robin, If the youtube preview doesn't load. Just edit the post, wait until it loads (May take some time) and then save when it does. Seem a slight quirk in this new forum software, )
  7. Hi Chris, I've not got any pictures sadly. She's currently afloat near woodbridge I believe (She's not the one on the quay in woodbridge though although that one looks stunning too, your father may be interested to see that one too), but I'm doing all I can to persuade them to relocate her up to the broads and hopefully she will make the move next year. I'll try and get some pictures, I understand the owner employed a shipwright to complete the restoration (which as usual involved most of the hull and was probably cheaper than doing adhoc) so I'm not sure they will have progress pictures but I'll ask when I see him again which should be sometime soon. These are lovely "proper" little ships though so many thanks to people like your father who put the effort into restoring these.
  8. Lovely boat Chris. A friend of ours owns her sister ship "Morn" (Although not sure on what lenght she is though). Good luck to your Father, I won't tell you how much Morn cost to restore as we don't want to scare him off!
  9. Hi Chris, No worries on the plug from me. I've seen your boat and she looks lovely. Sadly I've got a RYA school as part of my local yacht club so not sure I can use your services but never know. Good luck.
  10. JA.. We need to see new pictures of you please...
  11. Oh geez.. is there a concerning story behind this Peter? has Eddie (AKA) got in trouble? Do we need to do a #saveeddie campaign?
  12. JawsOrca


    How low is the bridges clearance through yarmouth at high water?
  13. I didn't intend to lower to humour aspect. I do think being a public forum though we always run the risk of owner turning up and taking offence which is never fun and we really don't know the owners backround etc With regards to insurance don't forget that there's so many companies online that offer cheap and quick insurance so they "Should" be insured at least third party (I would have thought/hoped that the BA rangers come down hard on anyone that at least doesn't have third party insurance and sure that they do keep a close eye on all boats on the river).
  14. John, I can see you have "liked" that post. I suspect you tried to like twice which it errored advising or there was a refresh issue. If it happens again though keep a look out for an error number.
  15. Glad you like me really John. Can you advise if the system is given you an error number when you try to like? It will help me look at system admin bits if so.
  16. Yes come on all lets not be so quick to judge. Some people end up living afloat out a no choice of their own.. We've shown two around ours recently who's wifes ran off leaving them with hardly nothing. Thus have to make do with whatever they can do.
  17. JawsOrca


    Sorry Dave I thought the general advice is passing through Breydon at slack water which I believe is one hour after low water? Therefore one should always be transiting Breydon with mud clearly visible. Personally I think that's brilliant advice and that's what I do and I think that's what most other people do. My thoughts on passing the narrow section by GYYS outside of slack has been expressed before but yes I think it's a stupid idea and doing so puts the boats engine under undo strain and I would never do it even if I was helming a boat that "could".
  18. Clive have you thought about leaving a pot of antifoul aboard with instructions to apply if boat found high and dry Looks like they did well there to find a bit of hard mud.. well done to them! (As usual.. hope all ok)...
  19. JawsOrca


    Thing is anyone (Cruising within the broads) going over breydon should only be doing so on a low tide.. So maybe all that needs to be written down is "If you don't see the mud you are going the wrong way"...
  20. I must admit the brief recent dealings I've had with Andy, I wouldn't hesitate in recommending. Hopefully we can be in position to use you more though sometime soon.
  21. Welcome back. Strowager Brilliant to see you back!
  22. (And Dad will be paying for this wishlist himself!!)
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