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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Good news on reuniting bits Stuart What happens to the bits which you can't find the owners of? Do you have an auction or similar?
  2. We don't need pictures Andy.. you are detailing it perfectly!! This is one of the best write ups in a long long time! P.s if you still struggle email them over again and I'll upload..
  3. Very yummy.. You certainly have some very nice toys Clive.. and very good taste Enjoy
  4. Sorry to hear Mark.. Good news he came back though.. Fingers crossed it's all an easy fix.
  5. I understand from Robbins that trying to glue a veneer on yourself is almost impossible (You will get bubbles).. and it's best to put it on marine grade ply (or at lest BS graded marine ply). We was told as Jason (SOS247) mentioned they use a full size press.. Which is why it gets expensive. On Orca we used "Veenered Decorative Ply" Page 9 in the booklet (page 11 on the pdf) (Mainly due to cost and to reduce the weight).. sadly though it's really not marine grade but we clear epoxied the back and edges and then think coat of varnish on the front (Still looks good). Nice to learn of the local companies on this thread. I struggled so source these so will certainly try the local companies next time (oh god did I just say next time...!).
  6. This maybe too, for cabin bulkheads: http://www.robbins.co.uk/pdf/Marine_Pricelist.pdf Page 8.. but it's not cheap.. (I.e Retail for one panel is about £150).. This is what Broom use apparently. (We just used veenered boards on Orca). Clive may have a local idea though.
  7. Hi Ray. On the full version; Click the drop down arrow beside your name (top right). Select "Account Settings". Select "Signatures. Or click here: http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/settings/signature/
  8. If it's for a loo.. try this: http://www.hawkehouse.co.uk/linings/unfoamed-headlining/b303-mural-mousse.html Lovely stuff.. it's what's in Orca's loo.
  9. Ignore them Clive they are clearly just jealous that yours is the biggest. I've never seen this boat though and it is fascinating. What's her story? I understand sailing on the broads is hard because of the tree line so the broads boats do normally have a larger masts to get above the tree line. But surely then having a large sail area like that when you get in a clearing she would surely be blown down. (I do see you last reefing point there is quite a reduction so i guess you use that quite a bit). What is she like to sail though is she stable enough?
  10. Hmm.. Seems a bit buggy... only seems to work when edited Or not lol....! Just a bit random.. Hopefully it will fix itself over time ... but yes you just need to paste the full link inclucding the http bit and it normally picks it up itself. Playing more.. if it doesn't auto display the image, RIGHT click the link and select "Remove link". Then it should show it when you go back in.. Strange...
  11. I dare them to tie the mainsheet off and go down and make a coffee... What keel does she have? Or is the boat really made of concreate and painted to look like a timber boat? Although i bet they very rarely put full sail out.. Nuts.. but fascinating lol..
  12. Do boats really need a 32amp supply? They are getting way too posh now! P.s.. Always check whats left on the meter as in two weeks we never paid for leccy as there was always a ton of credit on them.. Don't forget too the BA ones (And the WRC (Don't know about others) ) take the full £1 card amount and you wont use it.. So always check before you top it with your own credit.
  13. Thanks for sharing Stuart.. Interesting reading. Sad to hear there is only 2 officers clearly these chaps can't be expected to cover the whole 120 miles but I guess as the crime figures are so low there's hardly the justification for more. Although from recent experience perhaps there is slightly more of a need. Although I guess certain unsocial behavior can be dealt with by the rangers so perhaps more of them should be available (I'm remember more of these in the past). Once again thanks for sharing and really nice to hear such a low crime rate.
  14. Did you safe enough having a single engine doing that crossing John? People always say to me you must have twin engines if you want to do any serious sea passages for obvious reasons.. We are on the hunt for a decent cruiser to replace the houseboat and I've kinda put off Single engine boats.. Interested to hear thoughts
  15. oh are the canadian ones even more stable? (They look more unstable if anything lol) (Sorry for hijaking Andy.. we are really bad on here for doing this.. Never mention shoes on a thread too that really gets them going.. ) Googling led me to this Jane (and Andy your son maybe interested), although not cheap (I think); http://www.thecanoeman.com/hire.php Also in bungay (someway past geldeston) http://outneymeadow.co.uk/canoe-hire.htm Rowans seem to do though: http://www.canoethebroads.co.uk/cent-geldeston.html WRC seem to hire too. I think next year (or maybe later this year if it warms up again) we will try it for a couple of hours.. looks fun.
  16. Must admit I'm tempted!.. Will try to build up courage and try when it's warm.. down by geldestone will probably be lovely in a kayak!
  17. Brilliant Tale Andy.. Really Enjoying these.. Good to see you managed to upload some pictures. I uploaded yours yesterday on your first post. Not quite sure what happened there but good to see you managed it. Sorry you met problems with a kayaker there.. Probably just having a bad day.. not quite sure how you can have a bad day in norfolk though! I'd love to do some kayaking but really can't swim.. are they stable enough?
  18. I think it would nice to find out a bit about them. The BB appeared to appear recently as I don't remember when we was originally hiring up there, I always believe the rangers were the boys in blue. In all honestly I've never seen BB on the river so it would be good to find out what they do and obviously it would be nice to see them about certainly down south. Maybe we can see if they can stop off at one of the meets so we can met them and find out more. Perhaps you could ask if thats posible Stuart? Obviously I'm sure they are very busy and I'm sure they do a bloody good job considering the poor funding they probably get.
  19. Lol.. In my view the speed limits are there not just to protect boats but to conserve the banks and the local little critters that live there.. So although they aren't be tw*t they are still speeding. I would probably still report them.. I'm a a** aren't I.. (Wonder if the BA have any jobs going )
  20. Nauticalia do a cheaper one at just shy of £200 http://www.nauticalia.com/uk-info/optical/night_vision_scopes/night_scope_image/96622.html I had a play with one and it works.. not sure I'd buy one though.
  21. Hi Andy, Brilliant tale looking forward to reading more. With regards to the image issue. I'm not quite sure what the problem is. Can you try again but message me over the full error message you get. Are you doing this on a mobile/taplet or desktop/laptop?
  22. Thanks MrP. Sadly she is a bit sick at the moment.. really sucks not be out enjoying the rain lol If you are a bit bored you may want to take a look at the first part.. The restoration from day 1: http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/topic/4481-sabre-28-cruiser-project
  23. Pleasure Ron. .Glad we sorted it. Be assured It shouldn't do anything like this in the near future
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