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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Hopefully Jonzo or Alan can advise. I managed to in here with both facebook and my normal account and it seems to manage ok
  2. There is a merge feature but it doesn't quite work too well.. You need to log out of this and log in with your other. What device are you using? Tablet? Phone? Laptop?
  3. Hi Graham.. Your other account looks all good to me. I'd say log out of this one and try again. Does it give you any error message?
  4. I think they had choice but to be brave John. I'm not sure what keel she has, but if it's a bilge keel it's certainly doing well sitting there. Photo is all legit, I know Will who took it. Good news was she got off safely.
  5. There is a few old farm buildings out there so perhaps the banks have slowly washed away leaving things like this.. P.s Steve you are navigating when we come through You may want to start researching the medway estuary charts
  6. Pic attached shows what happens outside the safety of the broads. It's kinda well known here (Medway estuary) and is just off the main (unmarked) channel so it's an easy one to hit if you aren't paying attention and aren't looking at the chart plotter (although it's not really marked). Apparently the owners were seen doing the good thing and scrubbed the bottom whilst waiting for the tide to turn (credit to Will Pretty - HNYC - MBSA)
  7. Happy Birthday Robins Mum Hope you have a brill weekend.
  8. Personally, I never horn if it's clear I can't see anyone coming through and it's a a rural spot. Although Orca's horn is a bit loud. (and the others too quiet). I do horn though down south where there's more flow and I'm making it clear I'm coming through if you like it or not (I.e I have priority and there's little chance of me turning away). What's your thinking around this request, have you had a near miss?
  9. Steve and Sue. Enjoy the forum.
  10. I'd rather be on a boat that messing around with airports and rubbish like that...
  11. Only one received since this last post: CLOSING DATE: 14th September 2015 Please post here: http://calendarcompetition.thenorfolkbroads.net/ Post submitted here will not be included YOU WILL BE ABLE TO VOTE FOR THE BEST: After 14th I'll post up one post per Picture. The 12 with the most likes gets on the calender. We will also source a supplier and advise the cost. It will probably be a preorder bases so we don't have too many spare but more details to follow
  12. OK thanks guys.. as I said can't go into too much detail. Just insurance want quotes and then will reclaim back via the courts.. It will be done properly so for us cost isn't an issue as it's not us paying. Thanks for WRC and Goodchilds. I'm thinking Moonfleet.. Who's in Brundall . Brooms I'll contact, any more? Ideally recommendations of good guys. Seems like there's a hell of lot of bad guys up there.
  13. Thanks guys. Yup we are ok.. happened when we wasn't there but know what happened.. Tad annoyed I have to get quotes to fix though. Would have thought insurance would do all that. Thankfully too I have a very good surveyor who will not stop until its sorted to his standard. Please keep suggestions coming.
  14. Mark.. So so annoyed.. hope the insurance company go to town on them.
  15. Anyone know reputable companies (north Suffolk) who do insurance fibreglass repairs.. Some tosser in Suffolk damaged the boat.. Can't say too much because it's legal action but need quotes to repair. PM me please.
  16. Sorry no I disagree (With all respect), if you make use of this to leave the BA tolled area (And use it as a short cut) then you should pay the full operating cost percentage to do so (Obviously I'm guessing here and the cost to transit maybe in line with the costs over time etc) but certainly feel it's cheap and certainly wouldn't like to see anyone not paying to transit as again "use it and pay to use it" and a fair even cost with no discounts (Unless perhaps a 10 passage get one free for the likes of Peter lol!) BA money should be spent on the Broads, if they have to pay to maintain this then it should certainly pay for itself by the users of it.
  17. I know I'll get an eyeroll for saying this. But I've always thought transit through there very very good value... and by being so cheap allows boats to berth the other side and avoid paying annual BA tolls. Also consider the fuel and time cost saved going in and out through there, (if coming from the south). Strange. I guess the BA are keen to attract visiting boats but subsidising passage for what would be the most wealthy visitors seems a bit strange.
  18. I would doubt any rain would have much of an influence at Yarmouth as it's pretty much 100% tidal there. Although if a low pressure gets stuck in the north sea it may push the tides up a bit but at low water you should be OK. Best bet is to contact the YS there before you do a passage and get the local intel before leaving your mooring
  19. I keep meaning to see if Jonzo wants to a "thesuffolkbroads.net" It will be far more up market consider the bling boats we have down here.. Including mine of course lol (plus no hirefleet (bases) at all.. (I think?!) geez that's scary alone.. poor Suffolk).
  20. Hi MrP.. Depth isn't a problem.. My sounder alarm is set to 3 feet and it only ever goes off down south entering the marina (And I'm slowly dredging that lol). You should be fine everywhere (Oulton is the shallowest I've seen at 6 feet) . As you know everywhere is lovely.. Geldestone, Loddon, Rockland, Oulton (it's got good now.. moor on the floating bit though, do the walk into lake lothing) Norwich etc, all worth trying to get too. Pubs in order of preference, Dukes head Somerleyton (although if you book my table when I'm there I will find you!), White horse chedgrave (loddon), Reedcutters cantley (New owners, proper pub.. go starving though or suffer.. massive meals), Waverney house hotel, Beccles (nice spot.. food ok). Locks Geldeston.. can't think of anymore but these are enough. Enjoy
  21. Looking forward to the write up and vids Ray! I use the movie maker which ships with windows.. it's pretty good and easy enough to use. Certainly worth trying
  22. I would suggest Branden that you show the BA these first as it's for them to investigate.. I suspect they are genuine, as MM mentions.. perhaps not quite as intended. If the BA believe they aren't genuine then it's something for them to deal with alongside the local police. I'd do that before contacting the police as we don't want to waste their time, I'd think that the BA should though be able to advise if you should let the police know yourself... I for one would ignore the numbers/addresses on there and contact the BA first before sending any payment. The rangers do apparently go out about this time and I noticed some boats next to us had these but they had been correct and the ranger confirmed he had posted them. But Thanks for raising.
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