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Everything posted by Bound2Please

  1. Is he not entitled to a break for lunch then? He cant be looking both ways at the same time! If it was of that much concern to you, why didnt you ring broads control, before leaving the pub to walk to the hut?
  2. So that then makes rubbish your idea of changing the mooring times from 24 to 13 hours
  3. Think it begins with a B and ends with an S ?????
  4. Have word with Maxwellian he is the treasurer
  5. Quite often things/places like this FORUM would fold if it wasnt for sponsership/donations. So if you enjoy a video, its cost the person to produce it, often a large sum. The NBN could be considered a hobby yes but , would you expect the admins mods etc to fund it out of their own pockets all the time. ???? My rant now over Charlie
  6. 9 1/2 days and counting .........................................
  7. You can ..................................................................................
  8. At the end of the day a tatty boat is some ones pride and joy, and also possibly a home. So lets respect the feelings of the owner of said boat.
  9. If all else fails Give French Marine Motors a call. Chris French has depot in Rackenheath.
  10. You still need battery power to get a cough. I had one of these. It was a right pain if not run all winter until i fitted electronic ignition then no more problems
  11. At the end of the day, if its still got points convert it to electronic ignition made all the difference to ours.
  12. I would like to like this post a few times sadly I cant........................
  13. Very Victorian looking indeed, nice job Griff
  14. Bound2Please


    Yes agreed a good article about a fish that 99.9999% of the population will never see, and will become completly forgotten any time soon.
  15. A warm to the NBN Russell from me and the Wench (some call her Inge) Charlie
  16. Or we could make section in say the boats section just for posts about specific makes/models maybe Greddel
  17. Went right upto the mills in a birchwood 22
  18. Ive been right to the end up there at the mill, quite nice up there as is the pub the name escapes me at the moment
  19. Mine was definitely 1 3 4 2 clock wise, also the condenser is a pain if still used. I converted mine to electronic, and had the dizzy rebuilt, never had that problem after doing both.
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