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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. John, let's not forget that much of the official justification for the enormous cost of the SOB was the safety aspect of the vessel and that she is, or was at least intended to be a declared rescue facility. Again and again she has proven herself unsuited for that task. However, what actually is her task, the very reason for her existence? Surely it's not just to parade backwards and forwards on Breydon? The simple addition of a small RIB would make her useful but that hasn't happened. Correct me if I'm wrong but if I understand correctly all the patrol vessels, and that presumably includes the SOB, have had their tow posts removed. Personally I believe that we have been mislead. The Broads Bill was much lauded in Parliament as being a 'safety Bill'. The Broads Bill & the subsequent Broads Act allowed for the takeover of Breydon Water by the Authority, once again 'safety' was a large part of the official justification. Other than bellowing instructions, like slow down, at boaters on Breydon, what safety facility does the SOB offer if she is not going to be actively involved in rescuing people? Granted that she can't go into shallow water situations, neither can the bigger RNLI boats, but then they have at their disposal kayaks and beach boats. Vaughan has suggested the obvious addition of a dinghy to the SOB's equipment. I'm not suggesting that BA crews have immersion suits and that they take over from the RNLI but there are instances, such as in this case, when a boat is only just aground and easily accessible by a dinghy. Now, I'm not adverse to the RNLI turning out and rescuing people in distress, after all that is the reason for their existence, but I do object when I'm lied to. My feeling is that the SOB was and is an unnecessary extravagance and that we were mislead, don't forget that I went to Parliament in regard to the Broads (safety) Act. So the SOB was at Thorpe, why? She was purchased as a patrol boat for Breydon.
  2. Hear-hear! School and sea-cadet trips have long been a feature of the Broads. I have a book written by 'Taffrail' about one such trip, aboard a boat called Zaroster, 1950's if I remember correctly.
  3. How it used to be during the seventies and eighties, and great fun it was too!
  4. That puts a different complexion on it then! Wonder what the engine problem was though? Most unfortunate for the Cadets.
  5. According to the EDP it was the Coastguard that was launched to rescued the cadets!
  6. Much lauded by the higher orders within Yare House when buying her. Agreed that the SOB could not have gone into shallow water but she could have stood off in deep water in order to take casualties off the RIB. Re the Navy, running aground is not unheard of by members of that fine institution. We must also remember that the Navy's finest, a product of Norfolk, Lord Nelson was prone to seasickness.
  7. It also begs the question, where was the much lauded SOB in her guise as a rescue boat? That aside Happy mentions 'lead boat'. Such groups/organisations do tend to have lead boats and more than once I have watched other lead boats get it wrong thus the whole flotilla has run aground. I did once, nine or ten years ago, witness a large school group of five of HW's finest run aground, despite much waving and hooting from other boats. Daft thing was that we were in a sailing boat and because of our keels we do tend to stay in the deeper water, thought that might have been a clue worth considering by the lead boat, that and all the other boats that he presumably thought had got it wrong. In that instance everyone stayed on board and they were lead back to the deep water channel very early the next morning which must have been quite an adventure for the youngsters.
  8. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/coastguard-save-sea-cadets-great-yarmouth-1-5748980
  9. Shall probably be out fishing in the afternoon, will keep an eye open for you. Have a good trip. I've frequently done Oulton Broad to Beccles and sometimes Bungay in a canoe or kayak but never Norwich, that seems a long way to me!
  10. Adam, thanks for letting us know. Further advice ready when you need it.
  11. Being for a boat surcharge? Yorkies can't add up surcharge?
  12. Absolutely right. Not for me to spread the gos but the old premises was more than adequately viable. The closure was not of AD's making, be assured of that.
  13. Have a good one, just hope that today's super weather lasts for you.
  14. Camp Coffee, extra sugar and evaporated milk, yummy!
  15. Jumping on the trendy bandwagon for marketing purposes?
  16. I'm not convinced that for boating purposes that battery power is the answer, at least not yet. Was out fishing this morning when one of the new generation boats went past and quiet she was not. Perhaps a lower sound frequency than a modern diesel but it certainly had volume, indeed I could still hear it for some time after she had passed me. Had I been aboard then I really do think that I would have found the continual, tedious, low frequency whine/throb annoying.
  17. I agree with Ray's comment on this one. Beyond that I'd add that if I were hiring one of these bling boats then I would expect a far higher standard when it comes to the infrastructure. Five star boats, I don't doubt, but the Broads in general is not. Long may the Broads remain as a popular rather than an elitist holiday and boating destination.
  18. Apparently neither did Angling Direct!
  19. That's what microwaves are for!
  20. Heard the local 'gos' on this one this morning, boardroom politics, so I'm told. That aside Budgie Burgess still has his Bass-On-Line tackle shop in Horning. Whilst I know him well as an angler I've never visited his shop but I do hear others recommend it.
  21. Lidl's best for me! I have all the posh gear but it resides in a cupboard for when guests come round but even then I wonder if it's really and honestly worth the aggro. I once visited the home of a very wealthy newspaper owner whose wife came from Chile and by heck that lady could brew as fine a cup of coffee as I've ever had. Apparently she went home once a year to see her family and stocked up on her local market. Her coffee was definitely worth the aggro!
  22. Apparently Colin has had enough and gave notice that he'd quit at the end of the summer season. I believe that the pub will remain closed at least until after Christmas. As for staying in the trade, I understand not, at least for the time being.
  23. Pint of mild, an arrow root biscuit and a pickled egg can be quite effective too.
  24. Fresh mushrooms, off a nearby marsh, preferably one full of 'meadow ladies', grilled in butter and served with bacon, heaven on earth. The bigger and blacker the better, sod the little pink ones, not worth any effort!
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