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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. So long as the medal is gold & contains a diamond!
  2. More memories! One of my daughters did the same, hot water soak, which didn't affect her in the least, she's had six children, but the die stained the enamel of the bath and even now, thirty years later, the bath still has a slight indigo tide line.
  3. Congratulations to you too! '71 was a good year. PS, what's the secret to wearing well or were you a child bride?
  4. God willing, only four more years to go! By the way, mutual congratulations.
  5. I had an Imp, unknowingly I had bought it off one of the Gt Train Robbers, the papers had been forged, I suppose in a prison workshop. When I took for its MOT it was found that the bottom was rusted and just about ready to fall out and it could never have passed its previous test, plus the papers were not valid. I woz done! The joys of being a prison visitor, being taken advantage of, grrrr!
  6. It was a good year, good vintage. I'm sorry that you didn't make it too. We went for October, end of the sailing season .
  7. Forty seven years ago I married this young lady. Thank you, Lynn, it's been good! To those who thought it would never last, wrong!
  8. A good friend of mine had an aluminium boat in a marina at Brundall for a year, huge amount of damage, apparently all attributable to poorly earthed boats moored nearby.
  9. Could have been worse, the Doctor could have become a menopausal 'ginger' with attitude!
  10. But did you ever hang it on the 'Call of the Sea'? Traffic cones and French Letters were the normal addition to the statue, don't recall a shark though
  11. It was worse than I thought then!
  12. Down boy! Consider your ticker!
  13. Here's her last resting place.
  14. She was raised and then sunk again a number of times. In the end she was towed away and beached on the South shore of Lake Lothing where it was intended that she'd be scrapped. I believe that there is still something of her hull remaining. PS Her name is Yellow Tail.
  15. And only 425 lines with mono sound, so old technology!
  16. Bring back William Hartnell!
  17. There is a campsite right outside the Pleasure Boat at Hickling and the ground rent is nil. Not restricted to Hickling either! Camping afloat is a very practical and valid way of enjoying the Broads.
  18. A Norfolk Wherry in Suffolk, on Lake Lothing, posted 1911.
  19. Not an easy question to answer. It all depends on what you want and expect. Pristine, like new is perfectly possible but at forty pounds plus an hour it won't be cheap, four or five hundred at a guess, maybe rather more. If you are prepared to spend that sort of money then have a word with those nice people at Richardsons in Stalham. Alternatively a worthwhile DIY project!
  20. It's long been a Christmas tradition that Walberswick people walk off their excesses and visit the pubs of Southwold whilst Southwold folk, and even a few extra ones from Oulton Broad, visit Walberswick. Either the Ferry will do a roaring trade or that's one less pub crawl this Christmas!!
  21. The footpath issue is very real as I'm quite sure that the present one would have been a tow path, apparently a right that is hard to extinguish.
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