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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Every boat needs two moorings, one to go from and one to go to, no easy answer.
  2. Until last year I regularly bagged up rubbish on the bank, sometimes enough to well fill an eleven foot long dory. These I have taken to our local tip, no questions asked, until now. Last year I was asked and I answered quite truthfully that it was waste off the river bank, then my problems started, it was NOT household rubbish therefore it was deemed commercial rubbish, I would have to pay. What do landowners who clear up fly tipped rubbish do? Me, I just fed my black bin a couple of bags at a time until it had all gone, over several months.
  3. Ricardo, you are talking boats as opposed to floating homes. I quite agree with what you have just written, my thoughts exactly but then I also agree wholeheartedly with Stevo O's point of view. Re power hungry hire boats, bearing in mind that these will eventually become private boats, that is a very real problem in the making, in my humble opinion. It's a problem being forced upon the infrastructure because a hook up is an easy solution for the yards building these so called eco boats and other power hungry vessels.
  4. In a nutshell, for me anyway, the answer is an unequivocal 'no'. But then for me boating is about travelling, not just mooring up. I rarely set foot on a boat unless I'm going from somewhere to somewhere else. For some folk a boat is a holiday home that just so happens to float, I do understand that, but for me it's a mode of transport, one that should be capable of surviving without an umbilical cord.
  5. I note that there are several call for less boats on the Broads. If that is a problem, which I don't think it is, then those making such calls might consider whether or not that they might be a part of the problem and who do we exclude? Agreed that there is congestion, but then that's another kettle of fish! Why people seem to crave congestion is a question that's way beyond my simple, country mind. I just slip under Potter, Wroxham or Beccles Bridges and relish the space and sheer beauty!
  6. A River Cruiser Altar feature, yes, quite true!
  7. Being any boat with a keel, a goodly number of twin screw motor cruisers draw as much as the average Broads sailing boat.
  8. We already pay enough, just that 40% to 50% is hived off for non navigational purposes. What would I rather that money was spent on? Well, dredging and yet more dredging, with a rational disposal of spoil would be a good start. What would I rather less money was spent on? The planning department would do for starters followed closely by the BNP fiasco. Just my thoughts, having been asked!
  9. But it was quiet whilst you were under way!
  10. Some are, some are not so successful! Of one of the less atheistically pleasing designs I note this comment on the company's website: Electric motor gives around 4 to 5 hours of quiet run time, before the efficient generator automatically cuts in to recharge the batteries. To claim that that is eco-friendly is surely nothing short of laughable, but they do!
  11. Awww, come on, you certainly go in and out in all the right places!
  12. My feelings too. Personally I wouldn't want to be reliant on a plug on the end of a bit of wire. I value the freedom that boating provides, keep it simple! Okay, each to their own!
  13. Agreed. On a serious note though, it is an horrendously expensive service to provide thus there are obvious implications involved.
  14. If I were to shoot down a drone then surely I could claim that I was protecting my airspace, governments do it all the time? That aside surely I can protect my privacy? Not long ago we had an individual knocking on the door trying to sell really poor quality 'aerial' views of our house, obviously a picture taken from a drone. Top marks for effort, nil points for the execution though. I was certainly not impressed, not least from a security point of view, 21st century mooching.
  15. Plus bubble bath, trouser press and inevitably several hairdryers and shoe polisher!
  16. At the end of the day, wood or metal, both equally capable, all depends on the boat to which it is being fitted. Wooden ones tend to be used when counterweights are involved and the foot of the mast goes down to the floors and there's a carling hatch in the foredeck, the whole thing being an integral part of the boat's structure. If it's just going to be a dinky little deck mounted affair then galvanised or stainless is excellent and probably to be prefered. If a bronze, trad type job is required than Classic Marine down at Woodbridge really are the mutt's nutts.
  17. Good news for us all! Re this constant clamouring for electric hook-ups, why? Surely your boats should be capable of being independent of the land?
  18. Just curious as to why? Several members of the River Cruiser Cruise Class thus rigged. Martin Broom's, for example.
  19. Fortunately the right to navigate the Broads is open to all, subject to paying a toll. I can think of one yard in particular who's fleet would be decimated if eyesore boats were banned. Anyway, who would be the arbitrator of good and bad taste in boats? Heaven forbid it's not me!!
  20. Nigel, easy enough to make a tabernacle out of timber.
  21. Another Aladdin's Cave is next door to St Olave's Bridge. Roy at Lowestoft is a great character, ex matelot, can swear and curse for England so best not take the wife.
  22. I can think of some pretty awful looking, eyesore boats on the Broads, brand spanking new some of 'em!
  23. No mention in the guidelines as to the risk of being shot down, especially when in North Norfolk!
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