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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Agreed but when the tide is sluicing out it can be an issue for a sailing boat plus there is no boozer at Berney.
  2. Swimmers are being told to stick to the right side of the river, good, in principle. If I was to enter a competition, and I wanted to win, then I would be cutting corners at every opportunity!
  3. Without beating about the bush it all boils down to trust, or lack thereof. In the past, when I was on the Nav Com, 'unhelpful' material did fall by the wayside, of that I am convinced, and one of the reasons that all BA meetings are now recorded.
  4. A wherry on the Waveney at Beccles, the flag looks like that of Leo Robinson, the Oulton Broad boatyard that built the pleasure wherry Ardea.
  5. For your information I am assured that my concerns are being circulated to all the relevant officers at the Authority and the event is now to be discussed at the Authority's Navigation Committee's next meeting. The NSBA is also aware of the potential problems.
  6. At one time the Authority had a well documented and publicised policy with regard to the 'sheds' at Potter. Had it not been fought then I doubt that they would be there now, or at least for much longer.
  7. However we look at it the Authority is duty bound to 'protect the interests of the navigation', plain and simple and it's in the Broads Act. When the Broads Act was drawn up Marathon Swimming on the Broads hadn't even been thought of. A problem NOT of the BA's making. It just remains to be seen how and if they do anything.
  8. My first thoughts exactly. The question of impact on other users is an interesting because there is no mention of the impact by other users on the swimmers. This is a competitive event but the playing field can hardly be classed as level. Some swimmers might be inconvenienced by tacking sailing boats whilst other might not. There are no regulations, only guidelines for these events, one being that, if I remember right, that there is one rescue boat per ten swimmers, e.g. twenty rescue boats, all fitted with propellor guards. Something of a Catch 22, if swimmers keep close to the bank then they interfere with anglers, if they keep clear of the anglers then they interfere with the boats.
  9. Dear Mr Waller, Thank you for your email in which you raise concerns regarding the proposed Waveney River Swim event in June. The event organisers have been in contact with the Authority for some time now and the request is progressing through our normal events permission process. We receive numerous requests for events that are proposed each year and we pass them all through the same process which involves a number of officers reviewing the organisers plans and documentation, and best practice advice to ensure that the event does not adversely impact other users of the Broads. As you are probably aware we do not have powers to restrict swimming in the rivers and broads and the only time when the Authority would encourage swimming is when it is part of an organised event where we can have influence on the safety measures employed. As the Broads and Rivers are a shared water-space with a variety of users, interest groups and events it is in our interests to work with the organisers of such events to ensure that our duties are adequately discharged. I can assure you that the proposed Waveney River Swim will be robustly assessed and will not go ahead unless we have been satisfied that all reasonable measures are in place and that the impact on other users of the river have been minimised. Subject to the swim event being given the go-ahead, the Authority would issue a Notice to Mariners to advise users of the event. Kind regards
  10. Hear, hear!! I find vaping as being totally anti social in these enlightened times.
  11. I've had and know of both favourable and unfavourable experiences. It's worth Googling Thorpe Island & Jenners though!
  12. It all started with a large estuary!
  13. A dispute with the planners, now there is a surprise!!
  14. A wherry yacht being towed out of a dyke in Oulton Broad.
  15. Not sure if this wherry's mast is half up or half down or even if it's being used as a crane.
  16. Just an idea, Peter, have you thought of using masking tape, at least on the lower, front edge of the varnished cabin side? It ensures a neat edge to the glue and makes it easy to remove and prevents damage to the varnish. Not used it on models myself I do make boxes that require small divisions for fellow anglers and masking tape has made cleaning of edges an absolute doddle.
  17. JennyMorgan

    All Shook Up

    Indeed, from what I see of them, the Broads Beat crew do more for us Broads boaters than do the other lot! Broads Beat are a credit to Plod, they really are.
  18. The Bogus National Park Authority are obviously tilting at windmills, only it's a wind pump!
  19. For their own sakes I hope that they paint the fascia and modernise the outside, like get rid of that tired 1970's blockwork and the white plastic garden chairs. Good luck to them but it has to look inviting.
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