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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. More on the Donald Crowhurst/Broads Connection: http://www.edp24.co.uk/features/donald-crowhurst-the-mercy-brundall-colin-firth-1-5375843
  2. There some really cheap ropes available right now, some of which I have tried for fend-offs. One rope I bought from Jeckells and it looked as good as the dearer stuff I normally buy, British Ropes. The cheap stuff looked good, why waste money on branded rope? So I bought ten metres, great, until I went to splice it, damned stuff unraveled post haste! I have Terylene ropes that are 20 years old, cost a lot in their day, still going strong. Cheap isn't always economic!
  3. I suspect that you might be right, at least in regard to folk with more than a passing interest. i had long assumed that somewhere or another there was a governing body that controlled the use of the NP title world-wide but it does now appear that this is, regretfully, not the case. In Marsh's case I suspect that he had in mind the published response/justification from The Countyfile Magazine's editor regarding the case of the Scottish National Parks, perhaps you have seen it on that magazine's FaceBook page? At the moment I can't find it, regretfully, so no link, sorry.
  4. Unfortunately the NP title does not appear to be protected in any way, hence the Court decision in regard to the BNP. Regretfully it does appear that any Tom, Dick, John or Harry can award themselves the coveted title. Lack of Parliamentary approval or designation no longer appears to be a barrier to a determined, unprincipled CEO.
  5. Desperation is clearly setting in! Self aggrandisement is aa strong driving force. http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/the-broads-has-been-nominated-in-bbc-counrtyfile-s-national-park-of-the-year-awards-1-5379278 Lou, I mean you no disrespect but there really is no need for me to comment on what you have just written!
  6. Some of those supposed Broads people are the real thing!
  7. Why would anybody put their lunchbox on public display?!
  8. Hells bells, Richard, stop moaning, you've collected one more than I have. Perhaps we should demand a recount! Life can be so unfair!
  9. Snowy, you've right put me off my breakfast! Why do blokes do it, rarely see a bird exposing her hind quarters like that!
  10. You could but don't be too surprised if folk question the credibility of it!! Bit unfair on the donkeys.
  11. I believe that mention was made of a blast, quite legally, across Breydon by someone but to be quite honest I really can't be asked to validate that. That aside 'here we go again', do we really have to? Mark has chosen to make comment, sensibly so and Richardo has exercised his right of reply, in his own unique style and once again quite sensibly. I'm sorry to say it but I do question the wisdom of Charlie's moderation and ask was it really necessary? Robin is a gentleman of the highest calibre, that must be clear to anyone who has actually met him, so I doubt that he'd criticise anyone's comments or advice. However he is big enough to be able to ignore what he doesn't like, I doubt that he needs a moderator to do that for him. To my way of thinking it was uncalled for moderation, after all we are adults. Right, that's got that off my chest. I deeply regret that we are back to discussing moderation, uncalled for or otherwise once again. It does seem that lessons have not yet been learned.
  12. http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/broads-authority-says-many-advtanges-to-winning-national-park-of-the-year-award-1-5377750 Personally I see this as approaching desperation, but then I would say that. Just as would Dr Packman say what he has! In my opinion a very valid comment following the article by a Chris Talbot Well done, Andrew Stone. You appear to be getting the message - "The Broads was first identified as one of 12 potential UK national parks in 1947. Although it satisfied requirements, it was considered too expensive to maintain the waterways so was not included in the first round of designations in the 1950’s." It is a fact that the Broads has never been designated as a national park under ANY legislation, simply because the existence of the navigation, and the responsibility of the Broads Authority to maintain it, makes it legally impossible.The decision to use the name, Broads National Park, is a marketing ploy, nothing more. In 2014, when the decision to 'rebrand' the Broads was being pushed through by the Chief Executive, Defra's support was sought. It was NOT forthcoming.The reply from the Minister, Lord De Mauley, was, and I quote from his letter to the BA, "In terms of government policy, the Broads is treated as a member of the national parks family although its statutory basis is quite separate and it is not legally a national park. We do not propose to change this position." I would have thought that the first criterion for eligibility to enter a competition for national parks would be that the entrant was a national park.
  13. I am a great believer in necessary moderation, not so keen on it when it's not. Can we now return to the original topic, PLEASE.
  14. Super, loving it! Thought it was going to be about football hooligans!
  15. I don't think it's anything to do with H&S as such, probably more to do with corporate liability and their duty of care.
  16. Richardo, please reconsider, at least one of us will miss your often individual input.
  17. None of the boys in blue with big feet then? Not what I heard!!
  18. John, I have watched them off Yarmouth, yes they do go some, amazing. Have you reached that standard? No, I don't need a pillion ride! In my days Moths were fun but no where near what they are today, try this for excitement: Perhaps the Moth Worlds should be held at Horning, over the August Bank-Holiday!
  19. If they were allowed on the Broads then I might be tempted! For a real buzz buy a Contender or Musto Skiff:
  20. I have never jet skied so cannot comment from experience but at least whilst helming a Contender I wasn't sitting down on the job! Today my sailing is decidedly sedentary, but it wasn't always!
  21. Not sure which was more damaging, my dalliance with a Contender, or extreme hiking out on a Finn. Both of which make a jet-ski seem almost sedentary!
  22. It is only exempted in part. As to why, it was bought off when the club threatened to petition against the Broads Bill.
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