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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/car_goes_into_water_at_reedham_ferry_1_4849970 Stolen and dumped?
  2. I always thought that there were no flies on MM, how wrong can a bloke be?
  3. Why ever would you need the beer to stop? A pub with no beer, awful!
  4. The fishing is largely salt water. e.g. flounders, mullet, odd bass and a few smelt and eels. Assuming, when lifestyle is mentioned, the hippy lifestyle but being an aged hippy at heart I rather welcome that. My crew consists of rampant carnivores and picky veggies so bbq'ed bloaters, kippers and the like is always popular. Hopefully we'll be able to set up our tent on land rather than on-board. Great place to moor in the summer but can you please ask the cows and wildlife to withhold their raucous dawn-chorus to at least seven o-clock, four o-clock is a tad early! Until you actually witness the Halvergate dawn chorus you'll not realise just how loud it can be! Great place to be, lucky you. Just hope that the pub serves Broadside & Aspalls.
  5. We used Jeckells for new covers last summer, very competitive on price, superb quality and excellent service. In the past we used a Norwich chandlers, not impressed, costly mistake so this time we went to Jeckells, what a contrast!
  6. A change of diet might be the answer. A thorough and repeated flush perhaps?
  7. Charlie, double if not treble boxes could have saved the day!
  8. Hemsby lifeboat is always on hand to help us, maybe we could help them. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/lifeboat_crew_working_long_hours_to_repair_tidal_surge_damage_1_4849527 http://www.great-yarmouth.co.uk/Hemsby-Hemsby-Lifeboat-Day/details/?dms=3&feature=1001&venue=0117073
  9. Liz wrote: I had this old chap yesterday put his arm round me and started singing I only have eyes for you.... That made everyone else laugh... Can't fault the old chap for doing that!, lucky old bugger!
  10. Perfectly true. Hospitals still use maggots to clean some forms of injury. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggot_therapy
  11. It's motor boats that cause turbidity which contributes to silt and therefore the need for dredging. One of two solutions is to dredge, the other is to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  12. Gracie, you could go fishing wearing latex gloves or, better still, fish with these: http://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/korum-artificial-natural-maggots
  13. Wussy has mentioned receptionists with attitude, ummm, a fact of life. A feature of most doctor's surgeries and many car service departments.
  14. Put a smaller maggot box in a bigger one so if the little sods escape then hopefully they won't get out twice. I speak with experience as I once returned home to find the family up in arms and the inside walls of the fridge alive with climbing maggots.
  15. I certainly needed my wellies! I had at least two feet of water over the quay heading and well up the garden.
  16. I toddled around the manor earlier, just to check you know. The tide line was quite clear, Oulton Broad came incredibly near to bursting its bank at at least one point. Despite a great deal of salt water entering the Broad over the Lock there don't appear to be any dead fish, pheww!
  17. Seamaster, very creditable, I'm already looking forward to further posts from yourself..
  18. Every one who has had time in the industry can relate to that one, Vaughan. I never cease to be amazed by people! Problem is that what might be abundantly clear & obvious to a committee of wise men will be completely invisible to someone else.
  19. Should Seamaster return to this thread then I hope that he reads Andy/Freedom's posting. It has to apply to every yard in the industry. As it is I hope every potential hirer also reads it, it is the other side of the coin.
  20. Lessons learned? I hope so. Re maggots in the bilges, when I had the moorings at the Waveney River Centre I used to encounter all sorts of problem, as you might expect. The one of maggots was not a regular one but on more than one occasion we steam cleaned a bilge and I'm convinced that what we sometimes found was more than simple spillage, unless the little buggers had been frantically breeding!
  21. This report gives some idea of the water that is entering the Broads at Yarmouth: http://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/immense_relief_as_great_yarmouth_area_escapes_serious_flooding_1_4849197
  22. Seamaster, we don't shoot people on this forum. For many years I was a member of another Broads forum, I joined NBN to get away from the aggravation. In my opinion, you are seeking confrontation, please, reconsider your approach. I was pleased to see you join the forum, would not like to see you leave, but aggression is not necessary. Sorry if you don't like what I've written. I'm not disbelieving you but equally I'm not enjoying your outbursts.
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